Example sentences of "and [verb] her [noun sg] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Dana could put on a good show ; no one would know she had broken down and confessed her need for Roman 's strength .
2 In 1876 she went to Girton College where she gained third-class honours in the mathematical tripos in 1880 , and showed her flair for experimentation and designing scientific instruments .
3 This will introduce the student to the speciality of the ward , and give her time for preparation .
4 She may even find , if a relationship has been a particularly draining one , that this brings sweet relief and restores her zest for life .
5 Late at night she kept up her journal and wrote her column for J.D. , and on her last visit he had offered her a post on his editorial staff , a full-time one , when she had finished her East End stint , as he called it .
6 In retirement Anderson travelled extensively and continued her work for women and children in an international context .
7 She became the mentor of the young ( Dame ) Christabel Pankhurst [ q.v. ] in 1901 , but after three years Christabel became irritated by Eva 's gentle gradualism and pacifism and abandoned her friendship for militancy .
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