Example sentences of "and [verb] by the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His treacherous relations with his friends and comrades are both confirmed and explained by the treacherous interpersonal relations that form the substance of his three major texts , Antoine Bloye Le Cheval de Troie and La Conspiration .
2 On the same day a Shop Window 92 Shore Event will take place in front of Middlesbrough Civic Centre , including a march and displays by the Royal Marine Band of the Flag Officer Scotland and Northern Ireland .
3 All 40 outstanding documents were duly written and agreed by the Bulgarian Nuclear safety Authority in time for execution .
4 This decision was received with disappointment and regret by the Roman Catholic Church .
5 Like the earlier pact which was due to due to expire in 1991 [ see pp. 36636 ; 34522-23 ] , the new agreement did not provide for a price support structure common to other commodity arrangements and favoured by the two largest jute producers , Bangladesh and India .
6 Work has been overseen and undertaken by the three Florentine Soprintendenze , the Opificio delle Pietre Dure and the Pegasus consortium .
7 But unless quality and productivity can be improved in leaps and bounds by the early 1990s , then Dagenham is unlikely to have a future as a car production plant .
8 More recently , they have been amended and supplemented by the Single European Act , signed in 1986 , and still more recently , though subject to ratification , by the Treaty on European Union , signed at Maastricht in February 1992 .
9 These are flying lanes , arranged more or less like the lanes of a superhighway , each given a name and a number , all clearly designated on maps , and designed by the International Civil Aviation Organization 's Air Navigation Commission to allow civil aircraft to fly in relative safety when far from land .
10 Economists , the statistics profession , trade unions and Opposition politicians all pledged support for the idea of a national council which is being promoted by eminent statisticians and considered by the Royal Statistical Society .
11 Those that advocated social or political change in a reasoned and intelligent manner seemed to be either ignored or ended up defeated and disillusioned by the whole sorry mess .
12 One of the greatest centres of renaissance art , Raphael and Brumante were born here and it is surrounded by massive ramparts , set amid rolling hills and dominated by the superb 15th century Palazzo Ducale .
13 The first such publication is a facsimile of the ‘ Mira Calligraphiae monumenta ’ , a writing manual with calligraphy by Georg Bocskay , imperial secretary to the Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand I Hapsburg , written in 1561–62 and illuminated by the celebrated Flemish artist and miniaturist Joris Hoefnagel at the behest of the Emperor Rudolf II around thirty years later .
14 By showing how every soul could make its own way to God , without the mediation of priests or ministers of the educated classes , it helped to give a sense of dignity and individual worth to thousands who were turned off their land by enclosures and absorbed by the Dark Satanic Mills of the Industrial Revolution .
15 Consequently , federalists were shocked and disheartened by the 1945 British general election , which removed Churchill and his Conservatives from power .
16 It represented the views of the heads of government with regard to the discussions of a 10-country " High Level Appraisal Group " , appointed to make recommendations on the organization 's future role and chaired by the Malaysian Prime Minister .
17 The Text Encoding Initiative ( TEI ) is a project sponsored and organized by the three leading professional associations in the field of computer-assisted literary and linguistic research : the Association for Computational Linguistics ( ACL ) , the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing ( ALLC ) and the Association for Computing and the Humanities ( ACH ) .
18 FOUR Guatemalan police officers were found guilty on 28 April , 1992 of the murder of thirteen-year-old street child Nahaman Carmona Lopez and sentenced by the Fifth Criminal Sentencing Court of the First Instance to imprisonment terms of between 12 and 18 years .
19 But sleep came unawares , for he was woken by Luib in the dark and told by the peppery old Myrcan that it was his watch , and that Corrary was on after him .
20 The video ‘ 500 Years Later : The Return ’ , directed by Ecuadorian film-maker Hernán Cuéllar and produced by the Latin American Council of Churches , was awarded the Caracol prize at the 12th Film and Video Festival of the National Union of Cuban Writers and Artists .
21 The Roman Catholic Catechism drawn up by Dr. James Butler and approved by the 4 Roman Catholic Archbishops of Ireland gives this definition on page 32 — ‘ Purgatory — a place of cleansing . ’
22 Meet The Feebles ( 18 ) is a smutty satire on the Muppet show , written and performed by the same New Zealanders who made the enjoyably gross sci-fi romp , Bad Taste .
23 Why should the same multitude who invoked blessings on the son of David rejoice in seeing him mortified and humiliated by the hated Roman oppressors ?
24 But there is one course which Dermot O'Shea believes is really worthwhile and recognised by the Irish Professional Photographers Association .
25 This reaction was first observed and understood by the great Austrian naturalist , Konrad Lorenz .
26 In the society-centred interpretation of the concept the state is captured , divided and diluted by the major functional elites in society — business , labour and agriculture .
27 in line with the Toyne Report , every Further and Higher Education institution , after consultation with its staff and students , should formally adopt and publicise by the 1994/5 academic year , a comprehensive environmental policy , together with an action plan for implementation ;
28 The loco , on loan from the S.V.R. , operated on its own and piloted by the two class 14s in turn , giving visitors plenty of choice , particularly when 11 departures per day were on offer with trains running every 45 minutes .
29 Currently this is organized and sponsored by the International Social Science Council ( ISSC ) , the UN University and the International Federation of Institutes of Advanced Studies .
30 Set back from these two , on the middle bay of the original W front , is the soaring W wall topped with a machicolation and entered by the fine late Romanesque and early Gothic doorway with its 13th century tympanum of Christ and the Four Beasts , its unusually long foliaged lintel with four Latin rhyming couplets and a lucid signature by Bernardus DE III VIIS ( de Tréviers ) dated 1178 , and the powerful bas-reliefs of SS Paul and Peter , with sword and keys , all carved in various marbles from antique sources .
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