Example sentences of "and [verb] by the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The situation has improved in many ways , but it is not easy to overcome the problems created by natural obstacles and compounded by the legacy of centuries of neglect .
2 He engages with a sense of Being eternally present , not driven and limited by the demands of time .
3 Once we see that the relationship between a set of explanatory principles and the more specific analyses offered by social scientists must be a reciprocal one we are able to benefit from the fact that , just as social scientific practice is moulded by existing views of explanation , so those views can be refined and altered by the impact of practice .
4 Many microorganisms enter the body via the respiratory tract and those who have colds , for example , should minimise the spray from their sneezing and coughing by the use of a paper tissue which can be disposed of safely after one use .
5 In Incredible Era , a book on the corruption of the Harding years in the Twenties , historian Samuel Adams wrote , ‘ A president is measured , weighed and catalogued by the character of his chosen intimates . ’
6 The results-seen and heard by the majority of Teesside on TV , radio and the newspapers — proved the journalists had been genuinely impressed by the work of the laboratory .
7 The centre , if there is one , is in effect granted its limited powers and influence by the members of the group , the states .
8 Yet another document published by Uzuncarsili is useful for establishing a terminus post quem for Molla Fenari 's return , namely the for Karamanoglu Ali Bey 's Ak medrese in Nigde , written and registered by the hakim of Nigde , Muhammad b .
9 The bereaved often show signs of ill-health , which is not surprising since they usually feel quite ill in their minds and crushed by the burden of their sorrow .
10 It had n't lost one , there was no eye socket on one side of its head , so after the photos and the corny jokes about ’ one eye and goes by the name of lucky ’ back into the water and off she swam .
11 He was still amazed and fascinated by the fact of two men being together at all ; he was almost overwhelmed by the idea of two men actually living together .
12 The plot concerns a strategy conceived and agreed by the women of the world to end all wars .
13 The new rules still fall short of the ‘ positive consent system ’ proposed by the European Commission and agreed by the Council of Ministers last month .
14 No radiometric ages less than about 3000 Ma have been obtained for any lunar samples except for a tentative date of 850 Ma for material thought to have been ejected and heated by the formation of Copernicus ( Figure 6.7 ) .
15 He takes the mugs to the side of the bed and sits by the feet of his lover .
16 The J. Reginald Corah , fully equipped with radar , was launched in 1975 and christened by the Duke of Kent .
17 It has never been contended that non-certifiable grounds of appeal considered and dismissed by the Court of Appeal can , in addition to the certified question , be argued before the House of Lords .
18 The agreement , subject to final confirmation by all 400 creditor banks , was expected to be signed by September and completed by the close of the year .
19 The ethnic identity or contractarian ideology of the Ulster loyalist is clear in its origins , motivated by powerful economic , ethical , and religious convictions , all of which are interrelated , mutually supporting , and validated by the existence of a dominating catholic — nationalist bloc in the Republic of Ireland .
20 One minute she had been on her hands and knees scrubbing and the next she was being wined and dined by the owner of the largest store in town .
21 Other territories were to be added to the Japanese empire but some were insignificant in terms of size , and elsewhere the occupation was short-lived and constrained by the exigencies of war .
22 In the event , this proved to be a partial misnomer as the assault was accompanied by vigorous air support and preceded by the bombardment of missile sites in Kuwait by the 16-inch guns of USS Missouri .
23 It seems a sensible conclusion that the strengths of this technique lie not in the method itself , but in the experience and skill of the person who employs it , and the extent to which these are known and respected by the beneficiaries of the study .
24 Heath has proposed an alternative ‘ fullerene-road ’ scheme in which fullerenes are formed in the size range of 30–40 carbon atoms and grow by the addition of small carbon radicals .
25 It was strongly protected by walls completed in 1618 and occupied by the descendants of the Scottish Presbyterians ‘ planted ’ there earlier in the century .
26 Coincidentally , the UK Government 's Department of Health launches a ‘ Help us to help you ’ campaign , wherein sick people are advised how not to waste the limited funds available for their treatment ( ‘ … remember to cancel appointments if they can not be kept … ’ ) and reminded by the Secretary of State for Health that ‘ Our primary care system is also the source of considerable envy abroad ’ , as I was reminded again during a recent trip to Russia .
27 He was both eager to adopt the right stance and unnerved by the strangeness of it .
28 Their experience , she says , was that although the themes of its material were about lesbian and gay issues , around a third of the audience was heterosexual and attracted by the quality of the work performed .
29 Although this is both extensive and varied by the standards of most of the human sciences , though perhaps not of history , what it illustrates is the difficulty of specifying what is to count as data beyond saying that it is whatever material that researchers need to work with in order to pursue their inquiries .
30 The times and places are decided well in advance , usually during the previous November , and invariably the Order of Service is that prepared and recommended by the Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland .
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