Example sentences of "and [verb] on the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The subscription rates shall be subject to review from time to time and altered on the recommendation of the Finance Committee with the agreement of the Executive Committee .
2 But in the context of the modern cultural mythology of the artist/model relationship , this statement simply begs further questions and plays on the frisson of sexuality activated by the exhibition .
3 However , it recommends that the auditor should have a duty to report direct to the regulator and should be required to examine and comment on the effectiveness of the internal controls the trustees have established .
4 I take a camera and sit on the edge of the water .
5 ‘ You can go to distant planets and sit on the rings of Saturn , ’ says Lanier .
6 College staff often contribute to the management of local enterprise agencies , to small business clubs and sit on the committees of Chambers of Commerce .
7 I was so tired I had to get off my bike twice on the way up to Creeting and sit on the side of the road in the snow for a spell before I could go on .
8 Any dispensers needed should be fitted and filled on the day of commencement , not before , otherwise they may be misused before their function is known .
9 The startled midwife was blindfolded and placed on the back of one of the horses and taken through the stormy night to a large house .
10 These were made in 1977 and placed on the site of the original stocks to commemorate the Queen 's Silver Jubilee .
11 V. P. Singh had also written a letter to Lal acknowledging his services to the government and party and suggesting on the issue of Chauthala 's future that the " best course " would be to discuss the matter within Janata Dal .
12 For example , it is often assumed that multiculturalism is methodologically individualist , and reduces racism to an individual pathology of prejudice , whilst antiracism is radically holist and insists on the primacy of structural processes .
13 The executive council also expressed concern at the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait , and asked the Director-General to send a mission of inquiry and to report on the conditions of workers and employers and their associations in that country .
14 Accommodation on Fregate was in chalets thatched with palm leaves and situated on the top of the beach so that at high tide you could almost jump into the sea from your window .
15 The house was old and situated on the outskirts of London .
16 It is best to make these shelves as close together as possible — say , around 10″ , and depending on the depth of shelf and what 's stored on it .
17 The present system of paying weekly through sticking stamps on NI cards would be abolished , and depending on the results of consultation , which will continue until the end of the year , the Agency is hopeful that payment via banks , certain building societies , the Post Office and Girobank will be possible .
18 Numerous natural and artificial substances are capable of causing platelet aggregation ( Table 5.1 ) , and depending on the nature of the aggregation agent and its concentration , aggregation may be reversible or irreversible and have one or two phases .
19 I would just tell him this that er there is a problem here which my Right Honourable Friend is addressing and depending on the outcome of those consultations and discussions , will obviously depend the action which we will have to take .
20 Popular recreation was more ‘ rational ’ in a bureaucratic sense and it was more respectable than before , but its pleasures remained deeply traditional : drinking and betting , chaffing your mates and cheering on the standard-bearers of your real or adopted territory .
21 The trend towards a more nationalistic variety of communism , independent of Moscow and resting on the approach of mass mobilisation advocated by Mao , inspired those Korean communists who felt that this approach could prove valuable for their own party in the future .
22 Quarter and core the quinces but do not peel them ; put them in a vegetable steamer — the kind known as an adaptable steamer , which looks a bit like a colander , and fits on the top of the saucepan , not a bain marie or double boiler — over a pan of water , and cover them .
23 Right-wing readers of a right-wing paper were more likely than left-wing readers of that same paper to claim that their paper was biased towards the right — though a majority of both left- and right-wing readers typically agreed that their papers were biased and agreed on the direction of that bias .
24 After four years of strife reconciliation of the PLO factions in Algiers in April 1987 was reflected on the ground , as the various groups found it easier to accept their differences and to agree on the importance of national unity .
25 As the waves crashed round the hilltops the wizards ' palaces broke free and floated on the surface of the waves .
26 She takes from the bottom of her wardrobe a pair of calf-length fashion boots in dark brown leather and sits on the edge of the bed to pull them on . )
27 ( Max gets up and sits on the edge of his bed and smokes a pipe .
28 The cat er likes it there , it goes and sits on the top of it .
29 He keeps it on , though , goes to the summit of Amon Hen and sits on the Seat of Seeing .
30 Expressive tools give children opportunity to express on the computer their own ideas about reality , so that they can learn through representing , exploring and reflecting on the consequences of their own models .
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