Example sentences of "and [verb] for a [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 ACM Sir Denis Spotiswood supported this solution and arranged for a survey of R5868 to be carried-out to assess its general condition and the work that would be involved to bring it up to display condition .
2 I urge the assembly to accept this amendment to depart from this statement , to commend to our churches the use of the apostle 's creed and to wait for a day of broad theological agreement which in the providence of God and by the work of the holy spirit will surely come and then agree upon a statement of faith which we shall all agree and be able to commend enthusiastically to the church but until then to depart from this one .
3 They reported that they knew of no matter involving her in any way and asked for a description of the white identification cards .
4 A traveller in Scotland went into a pub and asked for a pint of bitter .
5 Gabriel knocked at the second brother 's door and asked for a drink of milk .
6 I tottered across to a cottage on the edge of the loch and asked for a pot of tea and a bite to eat .
7 Like the lady who came into the shop one day and asked for a bottle of ‘ blue ’ .
8 Lovernius was very pleased and asked for a bag of gold and threw it to the poet who ran beside his chariot .
9 So Gabriel knocked at the door of his fine large house and asked for a cup of wine .
10 She was always there , and she would tell , as she had told so often before , the remarkable story of her Jimmy , who 'd been posted as dead last December and who , six months later , had simply walked into the house , bold as you please , and asked for a cup of tea .
11 Then he came back and asked for a cup of tea .
12 Margaret inspected it and asked for a number of prints to be made .
13 Christina walked behind the reception desk and asked for a copy of Mr Banville 's account .
14 I also found certain sections of the press grossly biased ; and when a representative of the Daily Express called at the New English Weekly office and asked for a copy of the relevant issue , I thought I might be involved in a libel action .
15 A beautiful girl went into a sweet shop and asked for a box of chocolates .
16 She said that she 'd be happy with wine so he caught somebody 's eye and asked for a carafe of the house red .
17 Nobody would now hold them responsible for the Revolution in France , but the Encyclopedie , which Diderot inaugurated ( and edited with D'Alembert ) and to which he contributed hundreds of articles himself , undermined the authority of the regime , and argued for a re-ordering of society on rational grounds .
18 They also agitated against the Anglo-Irish Free Trade Agreement of 1965 and argued for a strategy of building republican support through involvement in agitation on social and economic grievances , as well as by a principled stand for a united and independent Ireland .
19 Let us now consider the requirements of a multiprogramming system , where we have a number of programs occupying main storage and competing for an allocation of time on the processor .
20 You are now equipped to play the game : what is the ideal position for each of these machines allowing for you , the craftsman , to work around them and allowing for a board of a chosen dimension to go across that production set-up ?
21 Whether you are out of work and applying for a lot of jobs , or in employment but looking to change , there is only any point in applying for positions where you have a real chance of being successful .
22 What an extraordinary suggestion , to put forward a girl — a charity child who was not a Sister , a novice , a postulant , nor anyone with the remotest intention of becoming a nun — and raise her up above the many Sisters in the Community who were all hoping and praying for a chance of higher education … what would they feel if a girl who had already been pampered , it seemed , by the convent in Knockglen , were put in to study , over their heads ?
23 Halfway down the length of the tunnel a patten caught an advancing man under the chin so that his alarmed cry was cut off short as he was lifted and carried for a distance of several paces before he fell away .
24 Systems have alreeady been designed and installed for a variety of chilled products , including sandwiches , poulty and poultry products , prime cuts of meat , meat products , such as pies and pasties , pizzas and so on .
25 But in the end all three parties joined forces and voted for a budget of three hundred and sixteen million pounds … ten million over Governemnt spending limits .
26 It is not , however , to be regarded as a receptacle to be emptied and purified for an infilling of some cosmic force .
27 Pluck a London-based journalist out of the office ; put him or her on a train with a party heavyweight ; and wait for a slice of prime grassroots ham to arrive .
28 ( 10 ) A synthesising question a question that pulls the questioning process together , and allows for a resolution of the problem , e.g. " Write an account of the Battle of Hastings from the viewpoint of either Bishop Odo or Harold 's standard bearer . "
29 Locke thus belongs to the tradition of contract theory which usually carries with it an implication of ultimate political power and rights belonging to the people ; and the fact that he explicitly develops and allows for a right of resistance also gave his doctrine a subversive potential of which later radicals made effective use .
30 Strategists decided that Japan 's only chance of victory was to deliver a pre-emptive strike against the US and hope for a series of lightning victories which would force the allies to the negotiating table .
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