Example sentences of "and [verb] it [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And then we go beyond that , and develop it into this sort of slightly murky negative area .
2 He took off the first slice , you know the rather well-done , brown bit at the end , and laid it on one side of the serving dish and then he cut the next slice off for the first lady and so on . ’
3 Zach and George dragged the case up to the bedroom and laid it on one side .
4 The Gardeners ' Chronicle , reviewing the experiment , coined the name ‘ carpet bedding ’ for it , and recommended it for wider trial .
5 He particularly admired the beautiful white spikes of Itea and recommended it for late flowering , a quality which also applied to Clethra alnifolia .
6 The other significant finding was that when the eleven patients receiving clozapine and extra psychotropic medication were compared with those on clozapine alone , the latter showed deterioration in logical memory ( the ability to memorize a passage , and repeat it in logical order ) .
7 Then he built a double-skinned oak door and studded it with fat-headed iron nails from the nearby , long defunct Presteigne nail-making machine .
8 This formal writing-up took nearly twenty years : it is one thing to collect data , and another to evaluate it and make it into public knowledge .
9 One of the simplest and most reliable is Alizarin red S. Many carbonate workers routinely acid etch one-half of a thin section and stain it in acidified Alizarin red S solution before covering .
10 And things like Time Out and so on , and City Limits , tried on the listings in the culture front seem to be seduced by , on the one hand , the need to simply provide information in terms of the listings , or then they felt some kind of twinge of conscience and had to be counter-balanced by radical politics on the other side , which produced a completely split , a paper that you could tear in half and read it as two sort of separate things , and erm and they always erm and something like that always felt
11 clenched , Benny lifted her foot above the instruments and lowered it with extreme care towards the handle of the scalpel .
12 This was quite a long passage for us , but we were lucky with the weather and made it in one leg .
13 PostScript sacrificed performance for flexibility and , as a result , is capable of taking the same original information and producing it at any output resolution ; 72 , 300 , 1270 or 2540dpi .
14 now you can stick a whole one in your mouth and eat it in one go , ca n't you Martin ? , yes Martin it is it that you did
15 This is n't the way that the current system reasons , and I would certainly like to take the current system and push it in this direction of being more expert in a human sense .
16 Lord Hailsham , however , used twentieth century reasoning and applied it to nineteenth century cases .
17 That is why we are committed to provide the opportunity afforded by trust status and to grant it to those health care units that seek it , where they can show that they will use the freedoms that that status involves .
18 Write your answer on a postcard and send it to Good Food Competition , TODAY Features , 1 Virginia Street , London E1 9BS , to arrive by Monday November 9 .
19 Write your answers on the back of a postcard or envelope no bigger than 5in × 6in — please include your boot size , the size of jacket , fleece or T-shirt you 'd like , and your size for waterproof pants — and send it to Outdoor Action Adidas Competition , .
20 The orgasmic bellowing began when I got the car into a slide as the track began to get wet with rain and caught it with opposite lock .
21 Jim Smyth of the Ulster Workers ' Council emphasised and re-emphasised it with particular skill and persistence .
22 First and foremost , Borland have taken the Windows interface and used it to good advantage .
23 He was a bright boy , good at his lessons , but she told him that cleverness was only a virtue if you worked hard and used it to good purpose .
24 Peter founded the navy out of virtually nothing , recruiting officers and sailors in the same way as for the army , and used it to good effect against the Swedes .
25 UN relief flights to Juba — known as " Operation Lifeline Sudan " — were halted temporarily on July 21 , after Sudanese government troops had boarded a UN plane and used it for one week to transport troops and military equipment .
26 The detainer is liable for any damage caused to the livestock by failure to treat it with reasonable care and supply it with adequate food and water .
27 Being able to pick up a colour and press it on coloured paper was all very exciting .
28 Hollins , a cotton broker who was ignorant of the fraud , bought it from B and resold it to another person , receiving only broker 's commission .
29 I have pricked my first blister , squeezed out the fluid , and dabbed it with surgical spirit .
30 Then , when we are ready , we can reconstitute and display it as new information which human beings can once again understand .
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