Example sentences of "and [verb] to [noun sg] on the " in BNC.

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1 They let them slide around on the polished floor and listen to music on the ward radio .
2 The offence took place between July 15 — the day Rachel , 23 , was sexually assaulted and stabbed to death on the common in front of her three-year-old son — and July 24 .
3 She found a spanner and set to work on the bike .
4 He glanced around , then took a nail file from his pocket and set to work on the padlock .
5 He became quite carried away as with dexterous strokes he carved a particularly exquisite right breast and set to work on the delicate fluting of the ribs .
6 As soon as he was satisfied that all was well , he laid back his ears and set to work on the grass .
7 She sat down and set to work on the files .
8 His position was now exactly what it had been during his exile in Rufus 's reign : he was without an income and reduced to dependence on the hospitality of Hugh of Lyons .
9 Er , those in favour of the amendment standing in the name of Councillor and submitted to Council on the twenty third of April ?
10 He tidied up , damped the fire down , undressed down to his underwear , took a cushion from the armchair to use as a pillow , used his overcoat to cover himself and went to sleep on the rug beside the hearth .
11 I turned it over to the studio and went to work on The Roots of Heaven , and apparently John Wayne took over after I left .
12 I put the pressure-cooker back and went to bed on the sofa .
13 One 3OOkg false killer whale , after hours of being teased and tortured , had its throat cut and bled to death on the dock .
14 One might question which was the more interesting achievement — to start with nothing , as Gandhi did , and rise to power on the strength of personal reputation , or to start with everything , as Irwin did , and do the same .
15 Eric 's head was too big for her ; she haemorrhaged and bled to death on the marital bed back in 1960 .
16 ‘ It would not have been able to fly and starved to death on the ground .
17 Valerie Mitchell lived in the next road and travelled to work on the same bus as Paula .
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