Example sentences of "and [verb] your [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This may only serve to aggravate matters further and undermine your role as a neutral .
2 Jump the gap and make your way down the steps and platforms to another ladder , pick up another crate to your left and climb down the ladder , kill the workman and run right ( out of the building ) , get on the lift and jump into the little room ( this contains a couple of records ) , get the crate and climb up the ladder to kill the last workman , get on the lift to your left and go to the top , jump onto the platform , and the next , and the next , until you reach the furthest one where there 's an extra life .
3 Following procedures , carefully noting progress , and pursuing your complaint in a reasonable manner will assist your case considerably .
4 On the face of it , this is a month when you should be concentrating on your future and accepting your share of the limelight .
5 Imagine that you are expanding , and seeing your life from a higher perspective .
6 You will fall on yourself and bang your head on the radiator when you step backwards .
7 I 'd like to take you by the throat and bang your head against the wall . ’
8 He did n't say , ‘ Right , men — come in by twos , line up facing east and bang your foreheads on the floor ! ’
9 And raise your profile at the same time .
10 You just walked back to your position trying to look unconcerned and got your clap from the crowd : I could feel this smile on my face , feel it spreading out to a grin .
11 The aim is to leap around in an inflated suit and push your opponent off the mat .
12 Blood as good as yours or mine creatin' a sort of moiré effect and condemning your shorts to the wastage pile . ’
13 You should regularly filter and funnel your information into a single set of notes .
14 To win one of these terrific prizes answer the following three questions and send your answers on a postcard to :
15 Just tell us what ichthyosis is , and send your answer on a postcard to the address on page 2 by 30 June .
16 To enter simply circle the following words in the square opposite and send your entry to the address below .
17 If you wish to oppose the granting of such decree you should put your reasons in writing and send your letter to the address shown below .
18 So get phoning and voice your vote for the Scouseology superstars .
19 ‘ Ever since I entered Merchiston Lodge , Araminta , you have snarled and screeched , and torn your claws like the cat you are .
20 Francis Bacon who put money into an unsuccessful company to colonize Newfoundland wrote in his essay On Plantations ( the word used then and for most of the seventeenth century for what would later be called colonies ) ‘ You must make account to lose almost twenty years profit , and expect your recompense in the end . ’
21 And found your notebook on the kitchen table , conveniently open at the name of this place .
22 Slowly lower and touch your chest with the bar .
23 Close grip bench press — slowly lower and touch your chest with the bar , then press upwards until the arms are locked straight out
24 Pulling on your boots , you blinked and stumbled across the souk , stealing a chapati from the old women , and wove your way along the arcade , following the smell of roasting coffee .
25 You must always stand so that you face the opponent because this is the position from which you can launch the maximum number of powerful attacks and place your opponent at a disadvantage .
26 Keep your left knee turned out to the side , and place your hands through the gap in front of you on the floor .
27 Sit as shown , and place your hands on the lower thighs so you can feel the leg muscle contractions .
28 And it works the better as the fingers slide and touch and play while you close your eyes and empty your head of every other sensation being fed into it .
29 ‘ And when I 've done emptying , I could come back here and empty your brains on the ground , could n't I ? ’
30 Take a sheet of paper before going in to any negotiation and empty your mind onto the sheet of paper .
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