Example sentences of "and [verb] go [adv] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 ( 1986 ) and Borgman ( 1980 ) have found from their studies that older children especially are not willing to move to a new family if contact with their biological families is to be severed , though of course some children may be unable to voice their reluctance and tend to go along with the plans .
2 However , district councillors felt that none of the objections justified any changes to the proposed order and agreed to go ahead with the scheme .
3 Fear of doors , entrances , gates etc. often occurs when a horse has been ( unwisely ) tied to a gate and has gone off with the gate ! !
4 Manchester United at home to Bolton were held to a goal-less first half first forty five minutes , and they had to wait until the seventy seventh minute before taking the lead through Hughes , and United go through with a one nil win .
5 The National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education , which represents staff in both sectors , last night rejected an improved offer for further education staff and decided to go ahead with a one-day strike tommorrow and to begin boycotts of marking and examination setting .
6 Within ten minutes , Woodrow Wilson had consulted with his chiefs of staff in the war room , and decided to go ahead with the contingency plan .
7 And a foul by Whitlow on Rozario and pain written all over Robert Rozario 's face and we saw that the last time we had a Nottingham Forest live game when he collided with a post up at Bolton Wanderers and had to go off with a rib and facial injuries .
8 ‘ I think Chris and Tina were freaked by the experience and have gone home with a few grey hairs .
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