Example sentences of "and [verb] it [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They had the wealth , the power , to change this place and make it habitable for those who wished it so , and yet they did nothing .
2 They secured a debate , which led to the adoption on 21 January 1965 of a Resolution noting ‘ with approval the efforts of local authorities to reorganise secondary education on comprehensive lines which will preserve all that is valuable in grammar school education for those children who now receive it and make it available to more children ’ .
3 This is true , but of no great significance since it is easy to modify the model developed above and make it immune from this particular criticism , while ensuring that all its important features are retained .
4 You should aim at very least to talk to two or three financial institutions or other specialists such as insurance brokers and make it clear to all of them that you are doing so .
5 No mourners followed but an unmarked car appeared in the road and made it impossible for any vehicle to tail the hearse .
6 Important debt agreements ended the country 's isolation from the international financial community and made it eligible for fresh multilateral agency loans .
7 She turned to the door and flung it open with one contemptuous move .
8 These workers have designed primers to the organism , and found it present in extraintestinal tissue from unrelated cases of Whipple 's disease .
9 ‘ I knew all about calories , but I really enjoyed food and found it difficult to lost weight !
10 He had worked so long on it and filled it full of malicious remarks at Gina 's expense .
11 Sitting cross legged place a towel behind your neck and hold it taut at each end .
12 SUPERMAN Derek Kaye leapt into action when a trailer loaded with a car ran over his godson — and lifted it clear with ONE hand .
13 In effect we must differentiate ( 6 ) with respect to and set it equal to zero .
14 The precise number of homeworkers is hard to assess , and so is their real pay , for many of them do piece-work , and find it hard to calculated how much they do .
15 Why not use it today and keep it handy for future checks ?
16 The extension of the YTS into a two year scheme and making it compulsory for those not in education through removing entitlements to other benefits , means that in future there may be no such thing as a ‘ young worker ’ or a ‘ young unemployed ’ under the age of eighteen .
17 Shore significantly developed a style of playing by which the trumpet escaped from the restrictions of a purely military style and took its place in England as an orchestral instrument , so giving valuable stimulus to Henry Purcell [ q.v. ] and making it possible for English trumpeters to meet the requirements of the music of G. F. Handel [ q.v . ] .
18 That is why the IAEA approached France and the United Kingdom asking for assistance in removing the material and making it safe in specialised facilities .
19 Cover it to stop the water from evaporating and leave it undisturbed for 3 or 4 days .
20 AIDS , entering the body by the same route , further attacks body immunity and leaves it prone to any passing infection .
21 That is what attracts investment from abroad and makes it profitable for domestic industry to invest as well .
22 This creates a personal link between those issuing and those receiving the product , and makes it clear to those issuing the product who is responsible for it once it has been received by the client .
23 This creates a personal link between those issuing and those receiving the product , and makes it clear to those issuing the product who is responsible for it once it has been received by the client .
24 The Government 's objective was to make the industry more efficient , to bring it into the latter part of the 20th century and to make it possible for British mines to produce competitively .
25 Gaviria stated that the economy needed a " shake-up " in order to increase its size and competitiveness and to make it attractive to foreign investors .
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