Example sentences of "and [verb] from the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Driving through the market place I thought again that Darrowby on Christmas Day was like Dickens come to life ; the empty square with the snow thick on the cobbles and hanging from the eaves of the fretted lines of roofs ; the shops closed and the coloured lights of the Christmas trees winking at the windows of the clustering houses , warmly inviting against the cold white bulk of the fells behind .
2 The Builder pointed out that although Scott ‘ has sought not the style of any particular country , but Gothic in abstract , and gathered from the works of all countries ’ , perhaps because of the numerous secular mediaeval buildings in Italy , the character of his design ‘ is more Italian , or at least Continental than it is English ’ .
3 The collapse first of the Roman Empire in the fifth century and consequent withdrawal of protection and influence from the states of the Empire — England , France , Germany , Spain — and , later , the phased withdrawals of the Eastern half of the Roman Empire eastwards to Byzantium , left behind chaos , disruption and the total collapse of Roman civilised life in the countries of western Europe .
4 He knew the feeling of old — operating outside the rules and hidden from the surveillance of his superiors .
5 Thus these major schemes are essentially enumerative and suffer from the limitations of enumerative classification outlined in the last chapter .
6 The right side gets busy too soon and turns from the top of the backswing .
7 The study builds upon four recent small studies of the Norwich economy , financed under the ESRC Open Door Scheme , and undertaken from the University of East Anglia : by Moseley on unemployment , by Sapsford on the local government provision of sites and premises , by Seddon on the building up of an industrial data base , and by Townroe on the employment of 16 and 17 year old school leavers .
8 A haze of water vapour hung overhead and dripped from the underside of the mushrooms , making the ground slippery and treacherous to walk on .
9 Groups of GPs will negotiate and buy from the hospitals of their choice the ordinary range of services their patients need .
10 People followed jobs and moved from the regions of economic decline to the more buoyant areas , typically the outer parts of Greater London and selected centres in the Home Counties .
11 Contests over children 's entrance into and exit from the care of the state are moving from administrative to judicial control .
12 This was worse , with impossible moves on gritty walls and creaks and trickles from the cliffs of ice .
13 In this view he is completely at odds with Chomsky ( 1965:31 ) , who assumes that actual language is ‘ degenerate ’ and deviates from the rules of grammar .
14 The Branch Clubs have continued to receive the support of the Committee of Registered Clubs Association and to benefit from the work of the All Party Parliamentary Committee for Non-Profit Making Members Clubs .
15 This was a novel step and came from the advice of the Wolfenden Committee which reported in 1960 on ‘ Sport and the Community ’ .
16 The final scheme would be a tribute to the vision of ‘ the greatest son of the Romanian people ’ rendered by their skill and hands and made from the fruits of their native soil .
17 Freed from restrictions about who to lend to or how much to pay to depositors , and freed from the responsibility of supporting their corporate clients through thin times , American and British commercial banks are weaker than at any time in the past 50 years .
18 He knew all too well what to expect : several hours of bad behaviour from the children — over-excited and freed from the constraints of routine — and importunate conversation from the parents .
19 Particularly divisive at a parochial level was the stress placed by the bishops on the need for a greater reverence in the communion rite , and their determination that the portable communion tables , which had been used since Elizabethan times , should be replaced by altars permanently positioned at the east end of the chancel and separated from the body of the church by altar rails .
20 Most people arrive on the island on the north side and from here it 's best to travel east and walk from the port of Ryde over to the town of Seaview and down to Sandown .
21 Her brain burst as the neck-shaft speared through it and exploded from the top of her head .
22 The second man brought up his gun and fired from the cover of his wounded companion .
23 In addition they had two camel guns , small cannons which could be mounted on saddles and fired from the backs of camels ; for the circumstances these had been mounted on the back of a plush sofa which had been recovered from the rampart where it had served during the rains .
24 Assignment by statute is governed by the Law of Property Act 1925 , s136 which provides that : Any absolute assignment by writing under the hand of the assignor ( not purporting to be by way of charge only ) of any debt or other legal thing in action , of which express notice in writing has been given to the debtor , trustee or other person from the assignor would have been entitled to claim such debt or thing in action , is effectual in law ( subject to equities having priority over the right of the assignee ) to pass and transfer from the date of such notice : ( a ) the legal right to such debt or thing in action ; ( b ) all legal and other remedies for the same ; and ( c ) the power to give a good discharge for the same without the concurrence of the assignor .
25 The successful candidates more than the unsuccessful ones tend to be middle-aged , university-educated ( as well as public school-educated , in the case of Conservatives ) , and drawn from the ranks of business and the professions .
26 A forward-looking society places an equal value on the contribution of all its citizens — and benefits from the participation of all .
27 His right to govern himself by his own vote , which he had fought for and wrestled from the grip of the landed gentry himself only ten years ago .
28 Bourdieu 's concept of habitus starts as constructivist rather than behaviourist , with the external environment being differentially absorbed and interpreted from the perspective of the subject as a member of a social group .
29 We show how this consensus was identified as strong from the perspective of a professional , yet fragile and disempowering from the perspective of George 's parents .
30 In 1979 Schanberg learnt that Pran had survived and escaped from the horrors of the Khmer Rouge camp .
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