Example sentences of "and [verb] to the [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The edict of Guntram issued at Péronne , and appended to the canons of the Council of Mâcon of 585 , continues royal involvement in ecclesiastical legislation , with an attack on Sunday work , and by backing the force of the canons with secular sanctions .
2 She curled up in the darkest corner , pillowing her head on her arm , and clung to the memory of four hours before , when the time had stilled and she had been not , sweet tearing bliss … .
3 We watched the emergence of one moth ; it crept out from its pale yellow papery cocoon , and clung to the stem of grass to which the cocoon had been fixed with silken threads .
4 A string of mucus hung from her left nostril and clung to the curve of her lipsticked mouth ; the waitresses kept looking across at the table .
5 It is rolled into a pellet and fastened to the end of the needle and lit so that it smokes .
6 EIGHTY years ago tomorrow , on the night of 14/15 April 1912 , the ‘ unsinkable ’ passenger liner Titanic , steaming at high speed on her maiden transatlantic voyage , ran headlong into an iceberg off Newfoundland and plunged to the bottom of the ocean , taking more than 1,500 souls with her .
7 7 The attacker 's right leg is then snapped back and kicks to the body of the downed opponent .
8 In East Anglia , the efforts of the Bishop of Norwich , Matthew Wren , to enforce the new orders caused great resentment and led to the publication of the highly critical , anonymous tract , Newes from Ipswich .
9 But a bungled , unlawful business deal has so far cost them £5.3m and led to the sacking of all the BRDC 's 12 directors .
10 The demonstration , made in Canada , that diabetes resulted from malfunction of the pancreas was made as a result of experiments on dogs and led to the award of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1923 .
11 On Jan. 6 the government signed a peace agreement with Tuareg rebels , whose uprising had begun with an attack on a police station in June 1990 and led to the imposition of a state of emergency in the north of the country [ see pp. 37703 ; 37800 ] .
12 By contrast , inhibition of mannosidase I with DMJ reduced the molecular weight of several α chains and led to the expression of the smaller 105 kD pre-Β 1 chain on the cell surface .
13 The discovery of mirror-image patterns of magnetic field reversal in rocks on the seabed off Iceland by Vine & Matthews reported in Nature in 1963 , combined with the earlier theoretical ideas and led to the concept of sea-floor spreading .
14 They have not won there since 1980 , when David Hodgson scored twice in a 2–0 win , and supporters recall the 1981 FA Cup quarter-final replay defeat that crushed Wembley hopes and led to the breakup of a brilliant side .
15 The Edwards Committee report in 1969 supported the concept of a ‘ second force airline ’ and ‘ dual designation ’ of routes ( ie having two British airlines on any given route ) and led to the formation of British Caledonian , as a result of a merger of two small independent airlines .
16 These strikes were successful in achieving their immediate aims and led to the formation of permanent unions of previously poorer workers , although as yet only a small proportion of them .
17 The Syrian stance during the weeks following the invasion effectively confirmed the country 's return to mainstream regional politics and led to the formation of a new close alignment between Syria and Egypt [ for recent improvement in Egyptian-Syrian relations see pp. 37471 ; 37626 ] .
18 This and other changes that year made an important contribution to the wave of inflation which beset the oil-consuming world for the rest of the 1970s and led to the formation of IEA towards the end of 1974 .
19 After 1600 , there was a pause before the same issues emerged even more violently in the Civil War and led to the beheading of the king .
20 A flagrant breach of truce in 1596 made history , and led to the creation of one of the most famous of the Border Ballads collected by Sir Walter Scott and others : the tale of Kinmont Willie .
21 The Taunton Commission ( 1864–8 ) was critical of the impoverished inefficiency of Thame and led to the reform of Emanuel .
22 The demolition of the mosque at Ayodhya triggered angry reactions across the Moslem world and led to the deaths of an estimated 25 people in neighbouring Moslem states .
23 The project has decimated the Amazon forest and led to the deaths of 1,000 Indians since their habitat was opened up 10 years ago .
24 The opportunities they offered to die engravers were limited by their small format and two-dimensionality , which caused difficulties and led to the adoption of some of the conventions that , as we have seen , can sometimes make their interpretation difficult .
25 It was first launched in 1944 by youth members of the ANC , who were impatient with the conservative approach of the leadership , and led to the adoption of a militant plan of action .
26 Demonstrations began on 11 February in Stepanakert , the regional capital , and led to the adoption of a resolution by the regional soviet on 20 February which called for Nagorno-Karabakh to be transferred back to Armenia .
27 Defections from the former ruling Janata Dal ( JD ) to form the JD(S) had brought down the government of V. P. Singh in November 1990 , and led to the appointment of the JD(S) leader Chandra Shekhar as Prime Minister heading a minority government [ see pp. 37854-55 ] .
28 It was their much-praised BCR exhibition in 1986 that revived his own and others ' interest in the old railway and led to the process of discussion that ( in the relaxed South Shropshire way ) led to the formation of the Society three years later .
29 He accepts the widely held view that the development of mass-production industry produced a sharp deterioration in the conditions of manual work and led to the emergence of a type of worker who combined a generalised hostility to the prevailing society with a primary preoccupation with militant economic action ; but he suggests that , as technology continues to develop , the increased use of full automation will eliminate many of the deepest sources of resentment about work , and , in so doing , encourage normative integration within the existing social structure of the enterprise .
30 However , while the process of electing a national president went smoothly , state party elections revealed high levels of factionalism within the BJP and led to the intervention of the central leadership in attempts to restore a greater semblance of unity to the party .
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