Example sentences of "and [verb] [to-vb] [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ( 1986 ) and Borgman ( 1980 ) have found from their studies that older children especially are not willing to move to a new family if contact with their biological families is to be severed , though of course some children may be unable to voice their reluctance and tend to go along with the plans .
2 Many of these have since been taken on by the wider society and are to be found in all its corners influencing even those who would now deny them any real significance and tend to look back on the decade as only times of silliness and self-indulgence .
3 Barn owls roost during the day in the main tree in the picture , and tend to fly out between the bushes on the right .
4 The final example is perhaps an unexpected mathematical experience as there is no discussion of the tower itself but rather the child has been carried to the top of the high tower in his imagination and asked to look down at the people below .
5 Maginnis , and by implication the Official Unionists , were weak and failed to stand up for the common man .
6 But what a pity that , when the heat was on — when the law of the land was being challenged by Labour councillors up and down the country , and by Members of Parliament — the Opposition Front Bench was found wanting , and failed to stand up to the rule of law .
7 Some winners in the past have been temperamental and failed to get up in the morning , but on the whole they go out as boys and come back as men . ’
8 He ducked his head and made to step out into the sunshine .
9 If that image changes rapidly in time , as it would in a moving video sequence , for example , then a huge amount of digital information must be stored , transferred and processed to keep up with the requirements of delivering the motion video to the user .
10 ‘ I thought I might find them laughing at poor Daddy , ’ Rose said , allowing her own shock and fear to ease out in the nervous laughter , but Maggie 's face remained pale and serious .
11 He is n't allowed to play football and has to go back to the hospital for treatment .
12 ' 'Lo , Olga , ’ she said mechanically and moved to pass out of the same door ; but Mrs Stych wanted to show off her outfit .
13 ‘ Buryin' 'em at sea , ’ Walter persists , and he lifts the boathook and starts to stir around in the darkness beyond the terrace 's supporting pillars .
14 Penguin has a brand new series of ready Readers , a mixture of classic and modern stories at three levels and designed to lead in to the same publisher 's Simply Stories series .
15 ‘ Why , so that you can ease your own frustration and put the blame on me ? ’ she managed to shoot back , and tried to wriggle out of the bag , unsuccessfully .
16 I kissed her and held her and tried to get out of the house without saying goodbye to anyone .
17 The pilots were drunk and half-naked ; they got no help from the French girls , who simply screamed and tried to get out of the window .
18 If LEAs take their assigned task seriously , schools may begin to hanker for the days when they were given the tools and told to get on with the job .
19 This instruction felt like a prison sentence , and condemned to stay up in the cloud , I scanned the instruments nervously , waiting for an unseen gust to grab our little craft .
20 He reversed his car and prepared to drive back down the road .
21 As they reached St Martin-in-the-Fields church the cheering was so loud he thought that they had arrived at St Paul 's and prepared to get out of the carriage .
22 In my view our fellow Members , who lived with us cheek by jowl , were fully aware of my strengths and weaknesses and were unlikely to be impressed by pictures of me on their TV screens dressed in a striped apron and pretending to wash up in the kitchen , as had happened during the Tory leadership election .
23 Sterland announced his return to fitness by saying : ‘ I am picking up my training steadily and looking to turn out for the reserves in the middle of next week .
24 By introducing tough new health warnings and refusing to give in to the tobacco industry 's demands , Mr Waldegrave has already shown himself to be the most effective Health Minister since Sir George Young 's short tenure .
25 As a fifth more radical possibility , might consumers be empowered by the professional care givers of an athenian local state and seek to opt out of the traditional services — persuading providers or purchasers to contract for alternatives ?
26 ‘ He has had a sad time looking for work in London and intends to go back to the North-East with his parents as soon as possible , ’ said David Martin , defending .
27 She unlocked her eyes from his and turned to pass through to the apartment .
28 Patrick shook his head and turned to walk back to the foyer .
29 Fei Yen reined in her horse and turned to look back down the steep slope beneath the beacon .
30 He covered seventy yards to gain the partial cover of the shrubbery , flung himself amongst the undergrowth , and turned to look back at the chateau .
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