Example sentences of "and [verb] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Skills develop and change to compensate partially for the changing capacities .
2 It had a cast of virtual unknowns and failed to score highly in the ratings , with average viewing figures of only five million — although it had picked up in recently .
3 It had a cast of virtual unknowns and failed to score highly in the ratings , with average viewing figures of only five million — although it had picked up in recent weeks with about seven million .
4 it made its last appearance at Watkins Glen — a reluctant Andretti again at the wheel — and failed to shine even in the wet conditions of practice .
5 Since the MBO , BSM has started to refurbish its branches , launched a motorway test and sought to move closer to the corporate fleet market by offering courses on risk minimisation to corporate drivers .
6 However , district councillors felt that none of the objections justified any changes to the proposed order and agreed to go ahead with the scheme .
7 Senior Ukraine officials held heated talks in Sevastopol yesterday with fleet leaders and agreed to meet again in the future .
8 The report also found that the Church can appear unfriendly to outsiders , and needs to teach more about the basics of the Christian faith .
9 Gorbachev , in his response to the results , nonetheless claimed that they had received a mandate for the ‘ renewal and strengthening of the union state ’ and promised to press ahead with the conclusion of the union treaty and a new constitution .
10 Rather he asserted and tried to use effectively in the 1760s and 1770s powers which he undoubtedly possessed in theory but which under his predecessors had begun to be whittled away in practice .
11 Not given to self-pity , he heaved the problem out of his mind and tried to look forward to the challenges of tomorrow , but weariness overtook him and he retired to the shed and his mothy sleeping bag .
12 Francis hugged Elaine and tried to shrink further into the shadows beneath the screens .
13 He said : ‘ He has fudged and shaded , and tried to get away from the fact that he made specific statements and those statements were wrong .
14 the rocket was projected up to a considerable height and directed to fall somewhere in the London area .
15 As they passed Guido and Ronni 's table , just for an instant Guido turned and seemed to smile directly at the girl .
16 After that he would fight clear of the envelope and hope to dive away from the pod .
17 They point out , for example , that Japanese companies in particular have for some time been making strenuous efforts to recruit labour which is not so much cheap but flexible and prepared to work hard for the company in question .
18 At eleven o'clock , the demonstrators formed a line in front of the abbey and prepared to parade slowly through the streets of the historic Georgian city .
19 This it does by turning away in a deliberate manner and refusing to look again at the glowering face .
20 ‘ Goat stinks , ’ said Camille , for it was not so long since she had been frequently taken by Connie to children 's zoos where these creatures — mostly nannies and kids — were considered suitably sized and disposed to mingle briefly with the children of men .
21 She stacked the diapers neatly on the top shelf , checked the gowns and vests , and then closed the cupboard and turned to look approvingly around the room .
22 When the bloody offal was slapped onto the concrete path before it , the cat hesitated only briefly before running towards this welcome offering , and beginning to chew greedily at the soft , tasty guts .
23 It is the custom , you understand , for the bride and groom to slip away from the wedding during the evening celebration , and hide somewhere — at a friend 's for example . ’
24 Angus slouched like a spoiled brat , nodded and began to tap noisily on the table top with his fingers .
25 His hat tipped off and began to bowl away in the wind .
26 Then it moved closer and began to scratch frantically at the foot of the bin .
27 Now she stood up and began to march restlessly round the room , swinging her long gun by its handle .
28 She hung it up carefully on a big wooden coat hanger and began to brush hard at the dried mud .
29 The passengers , replete with the lamb and chocolate mousse , lingered over coffee , and began to drift away to the dome car 's bar lounge .
30 Dot unrolled her piece of twine and began to skip slowly along the pavement over the coal-hole covers towards the basement .
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