Example sentences of "and [verb] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 I was put off at Smith field and asked to get to the Strand as best I could for another bus .
2 Two rival groups from the capital , London Olympic 2000 and the London Council for Sport and Recreation , finally settled their differences and agreed to unite as the London Olympic 2000 Campaign .
3 Buddhists of the Northern school of China and Japan evolved their own theory of grace and came to believe in the Buddha as a Saviour , though in the earliest Scriptures he himself claimed to be nothing more than a teacher , a shower of the way .
4 Another would have forced fishing for whiting and saithe to stop in the North Sea when the haddock and cod quotas were exhausted .
5 When the others returned , bringing the extra equipment , he took a field radio , stepped outside and began to transmit to the Hercules that was still circling around above them somewhere .
6 Another player came out of the wood and began to jog across the Paddock .
7 We should have been over the pass by now and starting to look for the Hacienda Lucinda .
8 LETTERS then is a ‘ 2nd cycle ’ isomorphic with the ‘ lst ’ ’ , a recycling of Barth 's earlier characters whose destinies are expanded and brought to bear on the America of the late 1960s ( Barth 1980a : 656 ) .
9 ‘ So I got Laura Parslow to help me , and went to live in the East End , and the only work I could find , being such a fine lady and quite untrained , was as a maid-of-all-work , a skivvy , which I was by day , and wrote my column at night , when my work was over . ’
10 In May 1987 the debtor , who had carried on the business of running a nursing home , sold the business as a going concern and went to live in the Canary Islands .
11 Problems had eased between them when Lori had left home to make her career in modelling , and Paige had actually thought they would end completely when Lori had married a wealthy American and gone to live in the States .
12 ‘ He is determined to have a big season and hopes to break into the Great Britain squad for the World Cup final against Australia in October , ’ added Larder .
13 The first ones seem to have lived in the sea , but by the Silurian the jawless ( Agnathan ) fish were a prominent component of fresh- and brackish-water sites in many areas of the world , and continued to diversify into the Devonian period .
14 Maisie had moved out of her parents ' house and come to stay at the Wilsons ' shortly after her mother 's funeral , a multi-denominational affair dominated by the headmaster of the Wimbledon Independent Islamic Boys ' School ( Day ) .
15 All went well until RAF Benson had chased him all round the sky and their MATZ before issuing their not unusual request to ‘ resume your own navigation ’ leaving him totally lost , heading into a nasty and unforecast rainstorm and trying to track into the White Waltham entry lane using cross-cuts on the single VOR .
16 ‘ That , ’ he continued , ‘ would have been the end of the matter , but Dame Martha had to chatter and threaten to talk to the Lady Prioress .
17 * These are reprinted , along with other of Sickert 's writings in the invaluable booklet Walter Sickert ; Advice to young Artists so expertly edited by Lynda Morris , and published to coincide with the Norwich School of Art Gallery exhibition of works by Sickert in May 1986 , to which I am greatly indebted .
18 In 1934 he joined the Confessing Church , the wing of the national ( Lutheran ) Church which disowned the ‘ German Christians ’ and refused to compromise with the Hitler government .
19 If the selection decision is wrong or the selection process badly handled , the employee , or his spouse or family , may be unable to cope with living abroad and have to return to the UK .
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