Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By contrast , the G cells are not detectable until 18 weeks of gestation and develop entirely within the anatomical antrum .
2 Ten minutes later he was down and seated across from a young duty captain as they travelled the fast-link that connected the City to the spaceport .
3 Neil teaches at the Guildhall School of Music in London and , like most of the artists listed here , teaches and plays regularly for the European Summer School of Arts and Languages at Oxford .
4 " Sit here , near me , and let's be cosy … oh , well , perhaps just a touch , " she turned her eyes away from the bottle and gazed absently at the passing crowd until her glass was quite full .
5 A man climbed to the top and gazed helplessly at the curved expanse of the copper-sheathed dome .
6 The Bishop sighed and gazed wearily at the opposite wall .
7 It was a prime-ministerial cabinet in all but name and plunged instantly into the economic blizzard which engulfed the new Labour administration and with which , initially , it coped so inadequately .
8 However , as the Democratic nominees left their convention and plunged immediately into an eight-state overland campaign tour through the Midwest , Clinton was recording opinion poll ratings of up to 30 percentage points ahead of Bush .
9 Even as she observed this , it did just that , slithered off the nail which supported it and plunged headfirst into the deep blue of the mantelpiece .
10 An expression of pure horror shaped itself on his features as he slithered helplessly down the slope and plunged headlong into the stinking waters of Mucky Beck .
11 During the half-halts , be strong with leg and positive with a blocking hand , then relax and sit quietly with a light contact , repeating this until the penny finally drops .
12 I do like she says , and sit there with the damp towel round my neck and wait for her to come back .
13 It appears in many guises , and persists even in the communicative approach , despite claims to put language skills in a subsidiary position to communicative skills .
14 ‘ It is my opinion ’ , Miss Honey said , ‘ that Matilda should be taken out of my form and placed immediately in the top form with the eleven-year-olds . ’
15 Soviet leaders had been prepared to consider international arrangements and guarantees only on the external aspects of the Afghan problem .
16 The General People 's Congress ( GPC — Parliament ) promulgated on Sept. 2 its " Law Number Nine of the Year 1992 " authorizing the privatization of enterprises and permitting " individuals or groups to exercise the liberal professions and to invest freely in the private sectors " .
17 The letter links the findings of Dis-continuing care with Age Concern 's recent work on hospital discharge and other issues , and refers also to the recent decisions of the Health Service Commissioner on health authority responsibilities for provision of long-term care .
18 In reality , individuals may not be able to borrow and lend freely at a given interest rate .
19 Recently , it is said that the pair enjoyed ‘ an evening walk by the river ’ in the course of which ‘ they wandered deep in conversation , pausing only to kiss and cuddle tenderly on the deserted towpath . ’
20 A diver absorbing excessive nitrogen must ascend to a designated depth to reduce the pressure and remain there for a specified time for what is known as a ‘ decompression stop . ’
21 It is precisely in line with the common professional assumptions outlined earlier and fits comfortably within the existing style of professional/client relationships .
22 Tony Hands of Colchester has leap-frogged above Harris in the rankings and goes straight into the main event .
23 Of course she could , she told herself , clenching her fists and gazing unseeingly at the distant mountain-tops .
24 Unaware of his presence , she was sitting on the soft springy turf , leaning back against the ancient wall of the summer-house and gazing dreamily across the blue haze of the estuary .
25 Although born and bred in the country and reinstalled there for the past 30 years , I fear I am not a proper countryman ; London has dished me .
26 The effect of evacuation was to flood the dark places with light and bring home to the national consciousness that the ‘ submerged tenth ’ described by Charles Booth still exists in our towns like a hidden sore , poor , dirty and crude in its habits , an intolerable and degrading burden to decent people forced by poverty to neighbour with it .
27 It would have an educational benefit and bring home in a dramtic way the frightening nature of serial killers .
28 The patient 's normal temperature range is established following admission and checked regularly in the early post-operative period .
29 When the baglady enters the hushed cafeteria and threads steadily past the skewered tables , when the derelict stands and faces the oncoming crowds and arrives at his soft selection , we all know who they have in mind .
30 ‘ We might as well not be here , ’ Luke murmured , as their guests constantly referred to the information sheets and argued amicably about the exhibited memorabilia .
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