Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Return to the lying position and repeat twice more to the same side .
2 The choice by the Queen of Lord Home in 1963 was of some importance since the circumstances in which it took place illustrated the difficulties of the process and led fairly quickly to the adoption by the Conservative Party of a leadership election process that was designed ( like the Labour Party 's leadership election ) to make the choice of a Prime Ministerial successor a constitutional formality .
3 Economic perceptions were fairly predictable in the Pre-Campaign Wave and became more so towards the end of the campaign .
4 The number of domes used increased and larger buildings had many , all on cylindrical drums and placed almost haphazardly on the building .
5 The force of the blow pushed them apart , and they arrived at opposite walls simultaneously , kicked again , and met once more in the centre .
6 The whole proceedings will be filmed here and transmitted simultaneously all over the archipelago . ’
7 My own ferreting campaigns begin in October but from that time onward to the end of the game-shooting season I am limited to outside hedgerows and warrens and burrows well away from the standing crops of game cover and the woods .
8 Henry III continued to be in desperate need of money , however , and resorted yet again to the expedient of ordering large-scale sales of forest timber .
9 She struggled from Sophia 's embrace and jumped down among the windfall apples , rolled one over with her paw , then turned and stalked indifferently away among the Michaelmas daisies .
10 Horrified … and yet strangely relieved and satisfied , and tingling with primitive energy and release , she turned on her heel and threaded so nimbly through the crowded guests that she reached the French doors that opened on to the side veranda before Greg had recovered enough to take a single step .
11 And I used to load the boot up and bring them and load home like in the boot of my car my Sales Manager said to me the other day , how the hell did you get bright red dust in your boot ?
12 We look in more detail at videoconferencing below and concentrate here mainly on the database aspects of the MBS initiative .
13 " Get outside this , " she said , slamming the tin mug of coffee in front of him , and sawing away energetically at the loaf .
14 As PNP progressed , we came across many examples of collaborations which were clearly working well and which had liberated staff to work in new ways , to increase their understanding and skill , and to attend more closely to the needs of particular groups and individuals .
15 Despite rising expenditure , the ratio of paupers to total population continued to fall from the 1870s and rose only slightly during the depression of 1903–05 .
16 Then it shook itself , got down off the mushroom , and moved slowly away into the grass .
17 We built more hospitals and moved decisively away from the terrible stop-go years of the 1970s when capital budgets were slashed .
18 The mandarin excused himself with a nervous smile and moved quickly away across the antechamber to talk with a group of French officials .
19 The warrant officer nodded understanding , and he broke rank and moved quickly forward along the outside of the now almost stationary line of troopers .
20 He stepped back into the bathroom , pressed the little gleaming chrome lever , and moved hurriedly away from the sound of rushing water .
21 Roughly 60% of the export credits was extended in foreign currency and used almost exclusively for the financing of ships and passenger aircraft .
22 Strangely , another sample of water divided in two and analysed both independently at the Glasgow Institute of Biochemistry and at the Water Board 's Dumfries laboratory showed two very different results .
23 He waited until the policeman disappeared inside his prefabricated hut before dodging under the railings and walking rapidly away across the giant crazy paving towards the blitzed warehouses .
24 His study Sally ( the lady sits at a table and looks straight ahead at the viewer ) possesses painterly values of real distinction .
25 Perhaps , though , it was Pepper 's display which exposed some of their deficiencies for the impetus was created and maintained almost exclusively by the forwards , who dominated the lineout and drove magnificently .
26 Tearing the wrapping from the pump gun , he unzipped the case and headed uphill fast through the pines .
27 The income the garbage pickers receive for each item is extremely low and reduced even further by the competition between them , which is encouraged by the system that is very much a buyer 's market .
28 Most will want a reasonable input — usually between £10,000 and £20,000 , although the actual amount is often negotiable and depends very much on the client 's circumstances .
29 Patricia Knapp , in the United States , once commented that one could get a perfectly good liberal education from a paperback bookshop : the sense in which this is true must not however blind us to the fact that self-learning of this kind has its weaknesses , is unreliable , and depends very much on the way in which the student undertakes his task .
30 This is because humans and dogs rely most on chasing and trapping their prey , whereas cats prefer to lurk in ambush and listen very carefully for the tiniest sound .
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