Example sentences of "and [verb] [pers pn] have been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I heard a scuffle outside and presumed he 'd been escorted from the building , but before leaving he pushed a News of the World Christmas card under the door offering me £40,000 for an interview .
2 Have you not read novels , been to the cinema and watched the hero and heroine embracing and realized you have been missing a great deal ?
3 ‘ I was bleeding and realised I 'd been hit . ’
4 Riven blinked , and realised he had been staring at nothing for a long minute .
5 However , Hakim ( 1982 ) re-analysed the data and found that ‘ the results … confirm the association between crime and unemployment , and suggest it has been increasing over time ’ ( p.453 ) .
6 ‘ In a fairy story one of them would ride up to the avenue here on a white horse and say they 'd been wanting you as part of their lives for years , ’ Benny said .
7 ‘ They all live in the Sydenham , Inverary Park , Holywood Road , and Garnerville area and say they have been feeling very unwell .
8 You bolt on the tail and wings you 've been towing behind on a trailer , flip a couple of switches on the dashboard , and then find a strip of flat land to take off from .
9 My comrade who had talked and named me had been tortured very badly . ’
10 Wexford had seen that glass and teak lamp in a Kingsmarkham shop and noted it had been priced at twenty-five pounds , one and a quarter times Hatton 's weekly wage .
11 She apologizes for being thirty seconds late and says she 's been having her nails done .
12 She had a skullcracker of a headache , and guessed she 'd been opened in several places by knifecuts , branded in others by dollops of fire .
13 One , Yvonne Morgan , said anglers on the riverbank were an invasion of her privacy and claimed she had been subjected to abuse and foul language .
14 He then stopped himself in mid-sentence and claimed he had been joking .
15 Once there he held a much-publicised news conference during which he ridiculed American intelligence and claimed he had been held in captivity by the CIA .
16 My son-in-law came home a few weeks ago and confessed he 'd been having an affair with a girl in his office .
17 Teachers constructing lists for students no doubt remember these books from their youth and are therefore more conscious of their failings and believe them to have been superseded by their own books and those of their colleagues .
18 I later interviewed the bemused recordist , and established he had been given two portable stereo tape recorders , which he had laid on the ground pointing in opposite directions .
19 For those who love Churchill partly because of his warts and feel they have been waiting too long to hear the case for the prosecution put eloquently and with impeccable soundness , ‘ it is a delight ’ . ’
20 Helena said : ‘ I know I have no overdraft facility but I genuinely believed there was enough money to pay my mortgage and feel I have been punished out of all proportion .
21 COPREFA later retracted this statement , recognized she was a human rights worker and decided she had been caught in the cross-fire when she died .
22 Mungo caught Jos 's eye , and knew he had been forgiven .
23 Similarly , upon receiving a client , immediately introduce yourself by name , and preferably also by card , so that in two minutes the client is calling you by your own name and feels you have been handling his business all his life .
24 Edging round the bunched-together desks she checked Holly 's and Rosie 's and thought they had been tampered with too .
25 With the most impressive efficiency and a phone call to Tucson , the American Express Office in Avenida del Sol issued me with a fresh set after half an hour 's verification : necessary , Ian told me , because there are so many freeloaders who keep on going by selling their cheques and claiming they have been stolen .
26 Ellie ran upstairs , threw off her old blouse and skirt and her much darned stockings , and got hurriedly dressed in her Sunday best , yet another variation on the plain black dress with detachable collar and cuffs she had been wearing for as long as she could remember .
27 And to think he 'd been agonizing about what line to take on Bartocci 's conspiracy theory !
28 They looked at the law and said it had been broken .
29 The faculty denied having discriminated against her and said she had been treated in the same way as all others seeking membership of the bar .
30 He still insisted he had done nothing to be ashamed of and said he had been cleared of wrongdoing by his ‘ constant friend ’ Mr Major .
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