Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv prt] with the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We should get six top international players and a number of international referees and sit down with the law-makers so that all points of view are aired . ’
2 According to Virginia Cowles , he dropped with Lewes 's party , but others say that he was left at Kabrit as a result of injuries during training and met up with the survivors later .
3 These views concern the fact that the singular particular things which we can point to and pick out with the words ‘ this ’ and ‘ that ’ , and to which we often give names , such as ‘ James ’ or ‘ John ’ , are not thought of as being merely particular .
4 In Kuwait it is just that we by the way in Kuwait we have two courts , we have the civil courts and we have the Islamic court , and erm Islamic cases go to the Islamic court and otherwise they go to the civil court , except just we we accept erm how to live our live in a modern way and keeping up with the times , and it is a tradition that we have adopted in Kuwait , and the fact that it is for women can drive in Kuwait versus those that do n't in Saudi Arabia , I do n't believe I 'd like to put that in the Islamic context , it 's just a way of life which we have adopted .
5 We want something better than just money and keeping up with the Joneses .
6 " But first , ladies and gentlemen , you should know that Dr McNab holds the discredited belief that you catch cholera by drinking … more precisely , that in cholera the morbific matter is taken into the alimentary canal causing diarrhoea , that the poison is at the same time reproduced in the intestines and passes out with the discharges , and that by these so-called " rice-water " discharges becoming mingled with the drinking water of others the disease is communicated from one person to another continually multiplying itself as it goes .
7 Or — and something came apart in his stomach and turned a revolution and plummeted downwards — were they all politely and patiently waiting with well-controlled longing because it would not be too long now before they could get home and carry on with the lives they preferred without him ?
8 We collected the evidence , calculated the Twit Factor ( see below ) and came up with the answers
9 Emily and I put our heads together after office hours and came up with the answers we needed .
10 Down she went and came back with the cups of tea and slices of cake on a tray .
11 In other words , many executives in firms experiencing economic difficulties and who know from experience that the inspectorate mainly imposes administrative sanctions will calculate that their best interests lie in not conforming to factory health , safety , and welfare regulations ; instead they will gather their excuses and get on with the violations .
12 ‘ You fly back to Berlin and get on with the preparations .
13 He found that a quiet bay gelding had been saddled for him , and mounted along with the others , the Hearthwares hissing with effort as they pulled the weight of their armour into the saddle .
14 Join in on this evening out and you 'll find yourself laughing , cringing , smiling and crying along with the characters .
15 The City and the Grassroots argued , on the other hand , that successful urban social movements must confront state domination ( the tendency being for such domination to be centralised and tied up with the interests of monopoly capital ) and recognise the nature of local culture and experience .
16 Then , by watching and joining in with the children 's play , the balance of new and old can be altered as their interests change , without having everything in the water at once .
17 Bearing in mind that there 's something like forty companies chasing about eighteen percent of this market , do you honestly feel that your advertising revenue is going to go down as quickly as feel if you want to try and keep ahead of the the pack and keep up with the leaders .
18 Some stories tell of botos coming up underneath canoes and taking off with the paddles , leaving a lone canoeist adrift on the river , while at other times the dolphin is said to have saved the lives of people from a capsized boat .
19 I 'm gon na do the pump and go back with the chaps .
20 He was celebrating a new job at Christmas and went out with the boys in his smart pin-stripes .
21 ‘ He was put in with the bread and took out with the cakes . ’
22 Residents told Poole County Court that Mrs Carruthers ( 55 ) , played deafening music and sang along with the tunes , forcing one neighbour to flee to friends in Coventry .
23 Well We came in one morning , the electrician and I , about five instead of seven , because we 'd done and er we used to nip in and kip down with the horses for ten minutes which was forbidden , to sleep in the colliery .
24 The start of a New Year is a time for looking back on the past 12 months and also a time when self-styled pundits such as myself are unwisely tempted to look into their crystal balls and come up with the predictions that by the end of the year they may well regret
25 Central to these events were invitations to a number of Norseman operators and owners to bring their aircraft to Red Lake for the weekend and join in with the festivities .
26 To Wishart , Minton said that in a hangover state he sometimes felt as if his eyeballs had been pulled out , tied in a very complicated knot and pushed back with the knots intact .
27 She laughed and jumped about with the Palernians , trying to burst the bubbles .
28 That has to speak highly for the way in which the software does its internal calculations and comes up with the answers .
29 Rub in the butter with the hands , then add the low-fat cheese spread and work in with the hands .
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