Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv prt] [prep] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 She twisted and gazed back to where the Black Cuillins arced away in ridge after ridge of jagged stone , rearing up into a flawless sky .
2 Erm members will remember at the last er , personal services committee on the twenty fourth of June er , the option to put forward by the Environment Trust and Widdings er , builders was accepted as the one that er officers could pursue and to actually get some final proposals worked up and bring back to both the neighbourhood committee and this committee .
3 She told herself that the best thing she could do would be to go out of the house and climb up to where the buzzards and the ravens nested on the clifftop , but she did n't pay herself much attention .
4 In complete panic , I turned the car around and drove back to where the house had been .
5 Then he pulled himself out from under the rugs , feeling ashamed , and walked over to where the bank was free of weeds .
6 Athelstan suddenly remembered the bear , stopped and walked back to where the animal sat chained in the corner where curtain wall met Bell Tower .
7 Do n't go too near the water ! ’ she called out before leaping to her feet and running over to where the twins were feeding some ducks at the edge of the Serpentine .
8 When Lee turned out of the door and looked down to where the battered bird would have landed there was nothing to see but the same old Z-shaped crack in the hard , grey pavingstone and a streak of blood .
9 She crossed to the window and looked down to where the pool sparkled in the early sunshine .
10 Still holding on to it , he nodded and went out to where the Audi was parked .
11 She reached the buffer and rolled out from underneath the freight car , safe in the knowledge she was on the sniper 's blindspot .
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