Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The first person goes round the outside and pats on the head those sitting saying ‘ duck ’ each time .
2 If I put me country and western records on I just done and dance with the dog all morning .
3 So when the first stallion , a beautiful bay unbroken three-year-old , was lead into the ring , and Lindsay saw and sensed in the horse many of those virtues that a horse-lover hopes for , he found himself bidding against two knackers , until he had bought the horse for the price of dogs-meat — $185 !
4 Answer guide : As these houses had been started and completed during the period all these materials are included under the matching principle .
5 Answer guide : As these houses had been started and completed during the period all these wages are included under the matching principle .
6 Andy sits in an ancient bulging armchair , its fake brown leather rubbed through to the fabric net underneath in places and burnished to a deep black shine on the arms ; he nurses his whisky and looks into the fire most of the time .
7 The twelfth abbot , according to the guidebook , was the subject of complaints to the Pope , that he had treated his flock , ‘ not like a gentle shepherd , but like a ravening wolf , harrying it ‘ with the stings of affliction , and the bites of persecution ’ , bestowing its property upon his kinsfolk and driving from the monastery those who dared to oppose him' .
8 Mr Leonard , who lives in central Darlington , said : ‘ I was cut on the head and pushed to the floor several times .
9 Now you 'll recall I said that we will we will try and isolate try and isolate throughout the afternoon those things which are going to be useful to you .
10 The procession , which takes place on the Saturday before the first Monday in August , leaves the town hall at 2pm and arrives at the cathedral some two hours later .
11 Okay if I could say good evening and welcome to the theatre this evening the reason the meeting has been convened this evening quite clearly is part of the process and art structure for Harlow having undertaken by the Council , the Playhouse is keen as it says quite clearly on the leaflet is to get the publics view on how best to plan this programme and it 's , and facilities for the future .
12 Lee was pulling bits of twig through the camouflage net and going to the entrance all the time to look at Caspar .
13 She smiled bravely and replied to the effect that next time she would take care to marry a politician .
14 Harry Fischer comes out of his room in his shirtsleeves , hoisting his braces up with one hand , and holding in the other some letter or Ministry circular which has arrived in the morning post , and which he reads mockingly aloud to evoke their common derision at the obtuseness and bureaucracy of the world outside the office .
15 He really needs to get to see and take off the stuff that .
16 ‘ And I hate to see you unhappy , and you wo n't feel better if you stay in and frowst by the fire all day .
17 Westward trips to the Dalles increased in frequency , improving trade with North-west Coast tribes like the Yakima , and introducing to the tribe such coastal traits as nose-piercing and the artificial flattening of babies ' heads .
18 Every member I have spoken to believes it is in all our best interests to maintain the profession 's high standards and to remove from the register any auditor who has little or no regard for them .
19 It is also traditional to burn spices for the deceased ; to cover the mirrors ( or soap them ) ; and to remove from the house any photographs of the deceased .
20 Others have been caught and left on the ground several hundred yards from a river .
21 Then they turned to the headmaster and launched into the topic all three of them had closest to their hearts : the Fromes ' only son .
22 Sitting in the pictures — getting dark and warm and watching with the music all the time playing from nowhere .
23 Unlike ordinary conditioners , which simply coat the outside of the hair , Hair Restructurant actually works on the inside and remains in the hair all day to give volume and body .
24 We have long accepted the principle that ‘ if you live by the river you must make friends with the crocodile ’ and prepare for the certainty that sooner or later winds of hurricane force will hit the islands .
25 CAN you imagine a situation at a cemetery — the funeral procession arriving , formally attired people getting out of cars at a marked spot , but some of these well-dressed mourners removing their jackets , rolling up sleeves , unloading picks and spades from the boot and starting to dig the grave ; possibly with the professionals cum gardeners watching from a distance and gloating at the mess these amateurs are making ?
26 An hour after the French Dragoon Sergeant and his horse had been broken and flensed by the canister another cavalryman rode into the bright midsummer sunshine .
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