Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] [pers pn] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 Marjorie left Lizzie 's body at the vet 's and arranged for her to be cremated .
2 According to legend , Dame Janet decided that these ducks would be much happier in St James 's Park and arranged for them to be escorted thence .
3 Three years later , he emigrated with his parents to Israel , yet became a frequent commuter to the major musical centres of Europe , where he caught the eye of such musical heavyweights as Edwin Fischer , Wilhelm Furtwangler and ( most especially ) Arthur Rubinstein , who took an immense interest in the young pianist and arranged for him to be represented by his agent , the legendary Sol Hurok .
4 His mother , unable to find the strength to battle against him , wrote to the school and asked for him to be excused .
5 Bright too had misgivings in this area , particularly about size of the single conductor , and asked for it to be enlarged .
6 On 11 July Cross had taken a sample of his own tapwater into the local North Cornwall District Council offices and asked for it to be analysed , but the Council refused .
7 The letter did not say that they would continue to be charged for the service , unless they wrote and asked for it to be stopped .
8 On 28 August 1651 , while Alured was evidently on his deathbed , James Chaloner [ q.v. ] , the Yorkshire MP , reported to the House that Alured was owed £8,769 and asked for it to be paid .
9 He said : ‘ I took it in yesterday and asked for it to be repaired as soon as possible .
10 The CFD , however , declared that early elections would inevitably be rigged , and pressed for them to be held in April 1993 .
11 The 1910 dispute , which is particularly well documented in the press as well as in manuscript sources , enables us to see that on this occasion at least , the women did not stand by and wait for it to be resolved over their heads .
12 Paul , her husband , generally left before seven and had lunch out with one of his friends , while she used her free day to take care of a thousand chores more annoying than the duties of her job : she had to go to the post office and fret for half an hour in a queue , go shopping in the supermarket , where she quarrelled with the saleswoman and wasted time waiting at the check-out , telephone the plumber and plead with him to be precisely on time so that she would n't have to wait the whole day for him .
13 Placing quality and independence in combination in such questioning , he reflected the problems and pressed for them to be treated with urgency to achieve a ‘ collective resolution ’ .
14 Today Miss Knox said she was ‘ outraged ’ to learn that the man who assaulted her , supervisor Brian McConville , was still employed at Lurgan Community Workshop and called for him to be sacked .
15 It seems that Antonietta was nearby when I fainted and arranged for me to be taken back to her house .
16 Position the track at least 220 cm high and allow for it to be slightly wider than the headboard .
17 She wrote a memorial to his brother George , now Prince Regent , Nelson 's friend , reminding him of the codicil which the national hero had made to his will leaving her and Horatia to the nation , and asking for it to be recognized in some tangible form .
18 Submitted another letter from Bob to Housing Dept in which he expresses concern about the effects on the children and asking for us to be re-housed in a safer area .
19 I often order fish and ask for it to be cooked without fat and for any rice or potatoes to be fat-free too .
20 Eventually enough of these shapes were collected and studied for it to be undeniable that this is just what they must be .
21 ‘ Recommend that he 's taken ashore at the next port of call and arrange for him to be flown home to an orthopaedic unit .
22 We accept these Bills of Exchange and arrange for them to be discounted on the Discount Market .
23 Please can you look into this and arrange for it to be repaired .
24 I understand these are all in a state of disrepair and I should be grateful if you would investigate and arrange for them to be made good .
25 Gore apparently did not want his name on the cover of the book and wished for it to be published by the Canadian fascist , Arcand , so that he could not be sued .
26 So , in essence , in order that the partnership can really start working emotionally for both partners , they must jointly seek to develop within the male partner the ability to nurture , and within the female the ability to recognise her own needs and to ask for them to be satisfied .
27 But the producers who sent the material regarded it as waste and paid for it to be taken off their hands .
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