Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 It means instead the end of childhood and freedom , the beginning of a new life as a slave and chattel at the bottom of a hierarchy in someone else 's family .
2 Kids too sick to raise their heads , lying soft and limp beneath the burden of heart disease , kidney failure and cancers that eat everything but innocence .
3 The situation has improved in many ways , but it is not easy to overcome the problems created by natural obstacles and compounded by the legacy of centuries of neglect .
4 And if you found that you had entered the company of players , of actors , of those descended from strolling vagabonds and historically always noted and envied for the looseness of their morals , then all your Christmases came at once .
5 There has been a lot of research and change in the treatment of mental illness or frailty over the last few years .
6 Your speaking of the balance between tradition and change in the evolution of art raises a crucial question : I mean the question of progress .
7 Now you may be thinking that these options sound very dramatic and limited in the context of social chit-chat .
8 The subscription rates shall be subject to review from time to time and altered on the recommendation of the Finance Committee with the agreement of the Executive Committee .
9 Once we see that the relationship between a set of explanatory principles and the more specific analyses offered by social scientists must be a reciprocal one we are able to benefit from the fact that , just as social scientific practice is moulded by existing views of explanation , so those views can be refined and altered by the impact of practice .
10 Many microorganisms enter the body via the respiratory tract and those who have colds , for example , should minimise the spray from their sneezing and coughing by the use of a paper tissue which can be disposed of safely after one use .
11 With the commanding posture that was the unmistakable and indelible mark of St. Cyr , and clad in the uniform of ‘ horizon blue ’ , there was no more impressive sight on a French parade ground .
12 In Incredible Era , a book on the corruption of the Harding years in the Twenties , historian Samuel Adams wrote , ‘ A president is measured , weighed and catalogued by the character of his chosen intimates . ’
13 He did n't know the doctor and was very disorientated and frightened for the rest of that day and the next ; but on the following one it was as if it had never happened .
14 She felt infantilised by them , but also felt bitterly that they were not fair , and she was bored and frightened at the thought of remaining bored all her life .
15 She curled up in the darkest corner , pillowing her head on her arm , and clung to the memory of four hours before , when the time had stilled and she had been not , sweet tearing bliss … .
16 We watched the emergence of one moth ; it crept out from its pale yellow papery cocoon , and clung to the stem of grass to which the cocoon had been fixed with silken threads .
17 A string of mucus hung from her left nostril and clung to the curve of her lipsticked mouth ; the waitresses kept looking across at the table .
18 You have only to think of the situation in which a mother is terrified of thunder and panics whenever she hears it , rushing to close the curtains and to cower in the corner of the room .
19 The breakdown of capitalism and the advent of a new form of society are conceived and explained as the outcome of the way a particular structure — the capitalist mode of production and capitalist society — works , not as the product of a historical process ; and the post-capitalist societies which can be foreseen , or which actually exist , may be as varied as were feudal societies or the absolutist states .
20 None of the studies presents an operative model ( Rosener , in our opinion , comes closest , but her model , as she shows herself , is more heuristic than empirical ) , and so in the next section a model will be set out and explained in the light of the evaluation criteria for participation and effectiveness put forward in the first two sections of this paper .
21 In section 4.2 , demand-deficient unemployment is defined and explained in the context of a Keynesian model and its possible causes are discussed .
22 I shall return to the opposition between speech and eating toward the end of this paper .
23 Dr Manfred Thaller , President of the International Association for History and Computing backed the seminar and arranged for the publication of its proceedings .
24 The results-seen and heard by the majority of Teesside on TV , radio and the newspapers — proved the journalists had been genuinely impressed by the work of the laboratory .
25 No admission offer promise payment or indemnity shall be made or given by or on behalf of the Policyholder without the written consent of the Corporation which shall be entitled if it so desires to take over and conduct in the name of the Policyholder the defence or settlement of any claim or to prosecute in the name of the Policyholder for its own benefit any claim for indemnity or damages or otherwise and shall have full discretion in the conduct of any proceedings or in the settlement of any claim and the Policyholder shall give all such information and assistance as the Corporation may require .
26 No admission offer promise payment or indemnity shall be made or given by or on behalf of the Policyholder or any person claiming to be indemnified without the written consent of the Corporation which shall be entitled if it so desires to take over and conduct in the name of the Policyholder or such person the defence or settlement of any claim or to prosecute in the name of the Policyholder or such person for its own benefit any claim for indemnity or damages or otherwise and shall have full discretion in the conduct of any proceedings or in the settlement of any claim and the Policyholder or such person shall give all such information and assistance as the Corporation may require .
27 After 1998 , these figures start being ‘ phased down ’ by ½ per cent a year , so that anyone retiring after the year 2008 gets only 20 per cent ( one fifth ) of their relevant earnings , after they have been revalued and averaged over the whole of the working life .
28 It is rolled into a pellet and fastened to the end of the needle and lit so that it smokes .
29 A day 's golf with the president of this company or that company when the fellow who makes up the four and plays with the president of the corporation just happens to be last year 's Masters Champion .
30 But in the context of the modern cultural mythology of the artist/model relationship , this statement simply begs further questions and plays on the frisson of sexuality activated by the exhibition .
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