Example sentences of "and [verb] [prep] the [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 To recall and build on the earlier analysis , these rules have to do with truth-telling , sincerity , intelligibility , empathy and active listening .
2 The sheep had huddled together to keep warm and as the drifts covered them the weaker animals were trampled and crushed beneath the stronger sheep that were struggling for air .
3 Harper was standing in his stirrups , pointing and cheering at the smaller wood to the right .
4 Many males do not go far and remain in the lower reaches .
5 I realized what a marvellous actor he was when I saw him in this and only wished that he had n't relied so much on the funny voices and hidden behind the easier way out of doing the characters that he could do so easily — and it was easy for him .
6 Liz wanted to get on to the exciting bits , in which Job demanded why light was given to him that was in misery , and life to the bitter in soul : in which Job desired to argue with his God : in which the Lord answered Job out of the whirlwind : but she knew it would be cheating to miss out the she-asses and skip to the livelier parts , so she plodded dully on with the dull narrative .
7 One of the major criticisms that is made of senior management is its unwillingness to let go of the reins of an organisation , to delegate routine tasks and to concentrate upon the longer term .
8 Irene , with an apparently much more complicated nature , felt restricted and confined by the simpler-natured Soames :
9 He led on the easy bits , followed and pushed on the worse sections .
10 Large , short-necked , broad-winged , rather short-tailed birds , much smaller than same-shaped but longer-necked Aquila eagles ( pp. 79–81 ) and overlapping with the smaller eagles and the mostly smaller long-winged long tailed harriers ( p 87 ) .
11 Norman v. Bennett was in fact concerned with an inaccurate odometer reading where there was a written disclaimer which was , however , not as bold , precise and compelling as the odometer reading .
12 Which 19th-century worthy , once much revered , hailed the British imperial presence in India as beneficial , progressive and leading to the greater good of the benighted Indians ?
13 At various periods after the injection of endothelin-1 , the stomach was removed and opened along the greater curvature .
14 The circular stapling gun was then introduced through an anterior gastrostomy and opened in the lower oesophagus when a nylon or silk ligature was tied round just at the gastrooesophageal junction .
15 The technique of introducing a steam re-heat cycle ( in which steam is extracted from the turbine at an intermediate stage , raised to a higher temperature and reintroduced into the lower pressure stage ) had been pioneered in Britain by consultants and widely adopted in America .
16 With Brando and Dean mumbling their way through the currently most talked about pictures , it was very much in vogue , passionately discussed and used among the younger actors .
17 Check the colour mark on the bridle line and by slipping the Lark 's Head knot and pulling on the lower line ( 'B' ) bring the mark no more than 6mm ( 1/ 4in ) below the ring .
18 He can , then , only withdraw into his own culture which provides him with a sense of lived connections for his experiences but these are bounded by his enterprise and separate from the larger society .
19 Recent thinking is that these should be scrapped and replaced with the wider concept of children with ‘ learning difficulties ’ having ‘ special educational needs ’ .
20 He sometimes had the feeling that all the more delicate growths were being quenched and ousted by the rougher stuff , if one did not intervene .
21 Instead , Cecil King , who had pledged the TUC he would keep the paper alive till the end of the decade ( providing its obvious description as King 's cross ) , tried to take it up market and appeal to the younger voters , better off but ‘ socially radical ’ , whose support had just helped elect Harold Wilson into office .
22 The principle upon which it operates is that the pool is split into two components : the first is referred to as ‘ common funding ’ and accounts for the greater bulk of the pool ; and the second is known as ‘ further funding ’ and comprises an element of additional financing for those institutions which have a high historic unit cost .
23 Claudia did n't contribute and concentrated on the younger children .
24 Indeed , it is evident that women were also under-represented in senior posts and concentrated in the lower posts available .
25 She smiled , turned course and steered for the deeper waters near the edge of the reef .
26 Alpine meadows and scrub in the higher parts of the Caucasus .
27 For the southern maps , of course , everything is reversed with respect to the northern hemisphere , and in Orion we find that Rigel is to the top left of the main pattern and Betelgeux to the lower right .
28 Use a sunscreen all day every day , and go for the higher factor numbers .
29 The Cabriolet 's perimeter binding strays and splutters around the lower cutaway , but apart from that is clean and accurate .
30 Thus , let me leave the Command and the Pathfinders and turn to the darker side of morale — the lack of moral fibre .
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