Example sentences of "and [verb] [verb] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The seventh edition , in 1759 ‘ revised and altered according to the latest system of Botany ’ , included many new plants from overseas and , as Miller emphasised in the Preface , their descriptions had not been copied from books , but taken from nature : ‘ the far greater number are from growing plants which the author has under his care , and the others are from dried samples which are well preserved ; of which he has , perhaps , as large a collection as can be found in the possession of any private person . ’
2 Constituency parties had to be wound up and re-formed to conform to the new boundaries .
3 Presumably the synthetic oligonucleotide was taken up by the cells and became bound to the complementary sequence on the viral RNA .
4 The right of the painter to move around an object and combine various views of it into a single image , first stated in writing by Metzinger in 1910 and elaborated a few months later by Allard , was quickly adopted by most critics as a central feature of the style , and became related to the conceptual or intellectual aspect .
5 Some of the poems were written down and became known to the outside world before the end of the eighteenth century .
6 This movement ‘ down ’ from God to man expresses and reveals the character and nature of God himself ; for his being is not separate from his action ; and in the answering movement ‘ up ’ from man to God , we see that human existence itself is grounded upon and made to answer to the divine initiative .
7 He assures them Virgin Atlantic can and does compete on cost as well as service , but he claims British Airways is n't playing fair and has complained to the European commission that B A is offering anti-competitive deals Virgin claims it 's losing business as a result .
8 This represents a rise of a massive 140pc and has contributed to the high number of households registered as a priority for rehousing due to homelessness , currently 211 .
9 Gould has threatened to take legal action and has written to the Prime Minister claiming his civil liberties were infringed .
10 The poll tax has wasted £14 billion of taxpayers ' money , led to cuts in services and jobs , caused great hardship for thousands of people , and has led to a general breakdown in law and order .
11 A high-performance clothing system , Vent-A-Layer , was successfully introduced to the market , and has led to a whole series of further product introductions during 1993 .
12 Our expertise is recognised by boat builders and owners and has led to a constant flow of prestigious projects for yachts from the yards of Camper & Nicholson , Valdettaro , Oyster , Palmer Johnson and Jankel Schooners .
13 idea , which earned him £5,800 was for the more efficient use of pumps which supply cooling water in the E22 centrifuge plant and has led to a significant saving in energy costs .
14 This latter aspect has developed without knowledge of BSL and has led to an uninflected form of signing which has been slow to change .
15 However , its involvement in the conflict in Nicaragua , acting as the main host country to the Contras , has attracted a good deal of US aid and military personnel and has led to the increasing militarization of society .
16 The investigation is ongoing and has spread to the other important cities for art trading , Osaka and Kyoto .
17 It seems clear that what has happened here is that Johnson has forgotten about the problem of finding ways of making meaning plain and has shifted to a different lexicographical problem , namely how to provide an exhaustive definition of words so that their entire meaning is made explicit .
18 Significant vertical uplift probably began in the Oligocene about 35 Ma ago and has continued to the present time , but at varying rates .
19 Hebbert joined him and moved left to the obvious beetling crack and groove line he had spotted from below — omitting to pause and wonder why this particular line soared up straight as an arrow , on a route called Curving Crack ! .
20 In Saussure 's theory we identify and attach meaning to an individual word in a sequence by placing it mentally against the background of other words , not present in the sequence , which are both similar and different to it .
21 It was to be politically left , but above all popular , and designed to appeal to a big readership .
22 Skinner ( 1948 ) states that " verbal behaviour is emitted behaviour which is reinforced by a listener and develops according to the same principles as other operant behaviour .
23 The plan therefore built on the proposals put forward in 1937 by Sir Charles Bressey and Sir Edwin Lutyens for London 's traffic , and proposed to add to the two already partly-built outer ring roads ( the North and South Orbital and the North and South Circular ) with two corresponding inner rings — ‘ the fast traffic ring-road an
24 He has one small child and wants to move to a bigger home in order to have some more .
25 Prior to naming the polymer , the CRU is oriented and named according to the established principles or organic nomenclature for naming bivalent and multivalent groups .
26 Although he never grew much above 5′5″ , Bremner was always in the thick of disputes and played according to the old motto , when the going gets tough , the tough get going .
27 Similarly , in a court where a witness is being browbeaten under cross-examination , or in a meeting where someone hogs the discussion and refuses to listen to an important point which is being made , it may be important that the injunction is resisted .
28 Replace badly furred-up pipes ( or get a specialist firm in to descale the system ) and consider changing to an indirect system and/or installing a water softener ( page 42 ) .
29 ‘ Oh , you must wait for coffee , ’ said Bob , sobering and turning to signal to the young waiter .
30 The pass came , I had plenty of time and shaped to kick to the near touch-line .
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