Example sentences of "and [verb] [adj] [noun pl] for the " in BNC.

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1 During our Centenary year the local groups planned the most ambitious programme of events ever , aiming to raise many thousands of pounds and recruit new members for the RSPB .
2 Baker expressed grave concern at the Bootle killing and attacked various institutions for the fact that society has become more violent and selfish .
3 The first is to design and construct local services for the majority of mentally disordered people who live in their own homes and who may use mental health services for only a few weeks every few years .
4 These beautiful fish quickly adapt to aquarium life , and make ideal occupants for the reef style aquarium where they rarely interfere with any of the invertebrates .
5 ‘ The project , through the transfer of knowledge , has fostered a spirit of co-operation between participating partners and offers substantial opportunities for the future development of the network . ’
6 In his own inimitable way , Marvin soon had Burton laughing , telling stories and singing Welsh songs for the rest of the day .
7 Provided both are prepared to give some ground it is possible to sort out roles afresh and to plan new patterns for the marriage .
8 Mr Perez de Cuellar described South Africa 's attempt to interfere with the elections as ‘ highly problematical ’ , and announced new procedures for the vote , over four days beginning on 7 November .
9 If all had gone well the husband would have earned very large sums for a long period so that he could have maintained them at least at their standard of living at the time of his death , and made other provisions for the future .
10 In each age they had different demands and made different choices for the use of the land .
11 Drama provides another major resource in overcoming passivity , in stimulating children to become actively involved in thinking about language , and in helping them to enjoy literature at school so that they will continue to read and to act and to attend theatrical performances for the rest of their lives .
12 In such fields a double need arises : to harmonise licensing requirements for companies intending to carry on the activities in question , and to establish essential standards for the prudential supervision of companies providing financial services .
13 Junior Books has raised more questions than it has answered and has wide-ranging implications for the nature of obligations arising in both contract and tort .
14 This methodological assumption stems from his basic phenomenological approach to sociology , and has some advantages for the sociology of knowledge and beliefs .
15 There is , however , one major development which had a powerful impact on the portfolio and has considerable implications for the economy , namely the events that started on Wednesday 16th September , when the base rates went up from 10% to 12% to 15% and then back to 12% to 10% , all in the space of 24 hours .
16 Players can always fake injuries to be replaced so why not remove this sham before it gets out of control and causes real problems for the game 's administrators ?
17 The Commission issues a written Statement of Objections to the parties , to which they can provide a written response , and holds oral hearings for the parties and for interested third parties .
18 SOME WAYS OF TRAVELLING are synonymous with luxury and romance and evoke nostalgic yearnings for the great days of travel when black tie was de rigueur as the traveller sauntered through Europe and Asia , or crossed the oceans .
19 It will also have specific matters such as the need to return original documents and photographs , to record experts and quantum details on the appropriate registers and to extract useful documents for the library .
20 She frequently exhibited embroideries and jewellery and contributed technical essays for the society 's exhibition catalogues of 1889 and 1890 .
21 Bibb atoned for his error at the start of the second half , when after Castleford lost the ball in front of their own posts he pounced quickly and beat three tacklers for the third Rovers ' try , Knapper adding his first goal .
22 This comes out notably in the case of Robert Boyle , for he , more than most , defended , explained , and provided experimental illustrations for the corpuscular hypothesis .
23 Outlining your proposals regarding the basis to be adopted for conference pricing in general , and recommending specific prices for the two conferences under consideration .
24 Gorman is based in Letterkenny and played 20 times for the first team last season scoring three goals .
25 In the middle years of the century , the American government sent expeditions to explore the western territories and plot possible routes for the Pacific Railroad ; a division of the Army , called the Topographical Engineers , played an important part in these surveys , which were then sumptuously published by the Congress .
26 The central problem for the government is to determine the value of the subsidy to the ‘ social ’ railway , that is the services that would not exist or would be extremely highly priced without state support , and to set appropriate targets for the ‘ commercial ’ railway .
27 The Committee ( Chairman , Professor Martin Symes ) continues to consider and evaluate new books for the annual RIBA list of recommended books .
29 Moreover , if we were to attempt this , then getting an agreed set of principles approved by Parliament would open up conflicts as to the rights to be included , and if a new code was eventually passed then their existence alongside the European Convention would create confusion and cause additional difficulties for the courts .
30 Although he had kept up his reading — particularly in Greek and French — and written some stories for the Speaker , he believed his intellect had been let sleep .
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