Example sentences of "and [verb] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As a result , an agreement was signed that about 50 rebel leaders could return to Nicaragua on condition that , like the returning contras , they renounced the armed struggle and illegal activities and agreed to incorporate themselves into the political system .
2 Later SF , in its " New Wave " ( 1960s and 1970s ) and " Cyberpunk " ( 1980s and 1990s ) manifestations , has become more " invisible " and " difficult " , and has extended itself beyond the boundaries of the genre .
3 As a divorcee , Docherty can no longer take communion and has distanced himself from the catholic faith , an institution he believes deserted him in his hour of need .
4 H&C 's management knows where it does not want to be , and has distanced itself from the previously volatile structure with some skill .
5 Nicholas Stavrogin has arrived during the summer months of 1870s , and has established himself as the one ‘ who might really be called the chief character of the novel ’ .
6 The elder of the two policemen smiled at Sarah but she dropped her eyes and tried to busy herself at the sink .
7 The film sped up as Cameron ran out of the building , still in his tailcoat , and tried to lose himself in the streets around the Barbican .
8 Robyn headed the jeep up the by now familiar track to the barn and tried to get herself into the right frame of mind .
9 It was just a question of Mind over Matter , I thought , and tried to steel myself against the physical effects of an increasingly rough ride .
10 Overpowered by an intense sentiment of horror , unaccountable yet unendurable , I threw on my clothes with haste ( for I felt that I should sleep no more during the night ) , and endeavoured to arouse myself from the pitiable condition into which I had fallen , by pacing rapidly to and fro through the apartment .
11 You can vanish , fleet as the wind , and contrive to lock yourself in the bog .
12 Harry Lamb worked on his father 's farm , managed on five hours ' sleep a night and studied to prepare himself for the Church of Ireland ministry .
13 When we denounce the anti-Semitism and let the Fascism take care of itself , we are fastening on what is prepolitical or sub-political , and refusing to engage ourselves on the plane of politics where , as Olson insists , we 're required to vindicate our own sorts of polity against the Fascist sorts .
14 He was much the same height as Hotspur , and much the same build , though twenty years at least older , and a century more crafty , and there was always the curious suggestion about him that he was ready and waiting to fit himself into the void if ever Hotspur slipped out of being .
15 First of all , medieval armies were sometimes not dependent on lines of communication : they did not , often could not , live on their own supplies , and reckoned to feed themselves on the land they passed through .
16 He went across and began washing himself at the lavarium .
17 I 'm perfectly happy to plead a two-year-old 's birthday and then wiggle , flatter and schmooze to get myself off the hook .
18 Having ‘ failed ’ to find the curriculum or examination version of the Holy Grail for themselves during the sixties and seventies ( and having exhausted themselves in the process ) the schools are , at the moment , resigned to accepting a string of panaceas from without — the YTS/TVEI initiatives are now being superseded or subsumed by the National Curriculum cure-all .
19 You think of the glow of pride that still lingers from your last HVS triumph with embarrassment and try to console yourself with the mitigating circumstances of age , heavy work responsibilities , duty to family , your back problem …
20 He drew back one of the chairs and proceeded to seat himself at the table opposite her .
21 I begged a tankard of ale from a surly cook and went to warm myself before the hall fire until my master roused me .
22 Even here , however , the separate heading is worth preserving , since modern style-studies can and do content themselves with the mere description of distinctive linguistic patterns , abstaining not only from relating them to external factors such as authors or literary movements , but also from attributing to them any specific literary function .
23 On reaching Arcady , he 'd attempted to call Zambia 's old apartment and had explained himself to the woman who now lived there .
24 But in terms of his public image as seen at the time , he had been careful to distance himself from the unpopular anti Jewish terror of the Nazi mobs and had placed himself on the side of legality .
25 " And directly after this , at the beginning of Chapter 17 , there is another abrupt change of tone : [ 7 ] Captain Cuttle , in the exercise of that surprising talent for deep-laid and unfathomable scheming , with which ( as is not unusual in men of transparent simplicity ) he sincerely believed himself to be endowed by nature , had gone to Mr Dombey 's house on the eventful Sunday , winking all the way as a vent for his superfluous sagacity , and had presented himself in the full lustre of the ankle-jacks before the eyes of Towlinson ( I ) .
26 Anyone who handled the King 's money was ‘ charged ’ with the revenues he had received or collected and had to acquit himself before the Barons of the Exchequer by showing what he had done with it .
27 The wily captain 's luck was holding in more ways than one for the customs search team found that one of the French shells had ricochetted down an alleyway , through the door of the Captain 's cabin and had embedded itself in the leg of a table where the occupant would have been sitting .
28 There had been a tense week , in which Alexandra came to hear that Dora had wanted the position of head cook at Langley Dene , but she said nothing to Dora , and continued to interest herself in the kitchen just as before , and the matter went away quietly of its own accord .
29 But I do say that we , the ordinary man , must either insist he takes responsibility for what he discovers , and does concern himself with the ethics of its methods and application , or accept the responsibility to ourselves , and make our own decisions about how science is used .
30 Each day he gained strength and with and longed to toss himself in the sea .
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