Example sentences of "and [verb] [verb] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As this severely restricted the scope of what the agencies had been directed to search for , Shaughnessy felt confirmed in his suspicions that the government had something to hide and sought to obtain depositions from the officials who had signed the declarations .
2 It was only at this point that CNN complied with the restraining order and ceased broadcasting excerpts from the tapes pending an appeal to the Supreme Court .
3 They saw the sense of the plan and agreed to find refuges for the boys in the thick forest between Bolfracks and Kenmore .
4 The best and most thought-provoking images will be published and sold to raise funds for the RSPB campaign for the countryside , to be launched in September .
5 This is a heady wine and has intoxicated palaeontologists since the days when they could blame it all on Noah 's flood .
6 The group has recently been supported by the ESRC and has run meetings on the Northern Sea Route ( NSR ) and Russian-Norwegian offshore disputes .
7 To get around this , Locus has written extra kernel-level facilities , including a remote execution function call which will communicate with different RPCs , and has made modifications to the file system — allowing current applications to migrate across to DCE and ONC without re-coding .
8 From the Mediterranean coastlands , it obtained its name from the Latin ros and maris , dew of the sea , and has had associations with the mind and improving the memory since classical times ; witness the famous quotation in Hamlet , of poor Ophelia : " There 's rosemary , that 's for remembrance " .
9 The chain-smoking Nicholas Ridley is the younger son of the third Viscount Ridley , and has had ancestors on the Tory benches for two hundred years .
10 ‘ Terminator 2 ’ is the most expensive film yet made — and has prompted worries about the health of Carolco , even though pre-sales to distributors seemed to have covered all the film 's costs .
11 And to try to create jobs for the women so that even if their men are out of work they can provide at least some income .
12 Several people wearing masks connected by tubes to cylinders strapped to their backs pulled levers and inspected moving parts of the machine .
13 I received representations from both parties on [ Date ] and expect to receive replies to the representations on [ Date ] .
14 This will be done primarily by evaluating the response of both demand and supply to tax changes in the past .
15 Staff working on a project to integrate geochemical data into a series of world geochemical maps have applied various techniques to establish a common format and to adjust sampling densities from the various regions to a common level .
16 Hartel opened a state-sponsored modern gallery in 1903 and created teaching appointments at the Arts and Crafts School for Kolo Moser and Josef Hoffmann .
17 Every department is having to carry out market tests and exercises to compare costs of the internal service to that in the private sector , ’ he said .
18 Some pieces of bogwood and floating plants can also be added to the tank to give shade and provide hiding places for the fry .
19 The court was told that she dabbled in black magic and tried summoning messages from the spirit world by using a ouija board .
20 She had promised Julie that she would be well enough to get up the following day and they would take a trip in the pony and trap to visit friends in the area who Julie had not seen for years .
21 Endill was led to the start of the line and told to shake hands with the first teacher , then the second , then the third and all the way along the line until the last .
22 They were once thought to be very dangerous indeed and believed to steal infants for the Devil to torment in Hell .
23 He was concerned that parents would want to see their children doing ‘ real ’ maths , and advised injecting investigations into the existing syllabus instead .
24 And persons of average political sensibility in many lands eagerly study the transformations in Hungary and seek to draw lessons from the changes .
25 The IMF on April 8 , 1991 , approved a financing package for Costa Rica , authorizing disbursements of up to SDR88,300,000 ( about US$119 million ) over the next 12 months to support the government 's economic programme and to help meet increases in the cost of oil imports .
26 What was needed was a foraging inside-forward who could pick up passes from defence and create scoring chances for the other forwards .
27 Conceptualising , therefore , is best understood as the mental effort that people make in understanding their circumstances and attempting to find solutions to the practical problems and frustrations they find on a day-to-day basis .
28 He had a boat and used to charter trips in the Mediterranean .
29 The hypochromicity factors ( F ) [ d(CGCAATCG) F = 0.7 ; d(CGATTGCG) F = 0.7 ; d(CGCXXTCG) F = 0.8 ; d(CGXTTGCG) F = 0.7 ] were calculated as previously described ( 14 ) and used to calculate concentrations of the single strands using published ( 15 ) extinction coefficients of the nucleosides ( ε 260 d 3C A = 11.1 10 3 mol -1 lcm -1 ) .
30 He proposed the establishment of a funding council for the grant-maintained sector and safeguards to prevent disputes over the running of schools , as had occurred recently at Stratford School in east London .
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