Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] for the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He cuts out the middle men and women — the dreaded parents — and goes straight for the hearts and minds of kids .
2 Their venture had been from start to finish " planned by the woollen interests , financed from the profits of that trade and built predominantly for the needs of the woollen industry . "
3 John was full of invention , always making up steps and sequences which he called by odd names : for instance a stamping step he called ‘ Sherman tanks ’ , which he devised for the zephyrs in Primavera and used again for the unicorns in Harlequin in April .
4 In this context , this means used and disclosed only for the purposes for which it is compiled , or for which authority is given , or with the donor 's consent or for certain other limited purposes .
5 17.18 All pupils should be expected to keep a file containing work in progress , as well as completed pieces , which may need to be selected and filed separately for the purposes of moderation and final assessment .
6 And watch out for the Sains-berries on the day .
7 Provide the best food and water quality , and watch out for the others attacking it .
8 ‘ Be cool and look out for the ladies , ’ he says .
9 And doing so for the goods .
10 He used to stay at his club during the week , and go home for the weekends . ’
11 The attack began on 8 March and went well for the Italians at first .
12 The chance to be her own boss , to give free rein to her design flair , to stand up and reach out for the stars … finally that chance was hers .
13 As darkness fell again they took turns to wash in the tent , and then they lay together under the night sky and reached again for the stars .
14 When zooming in for the kill , or performing a lightning strike , they ignore the tail end of the body and aim straight for the eyes .
15 The blonde girl nodded and headed swiftly for the stairs .
16 The people prayed to their gods and waited impatiently for the seasons to change .
17 He moved to Belfast East , was elected MP at the Westminster elections of February and October , 1974 , and remained there for the elections to the Constitutional Convention .
18 Why exactly the authorities wish to deprive so many thousand people of their bread and butter when the becak is cheap , pollution-free and makes up for the deficiencies in mass transit , is a mystery .
19 Realising that there was more snow on the way , she clenched her teeth and set off for the moors .
20 Godolphin only had to pick up the encyclopaedia and he was ready to put on his boots and set off for the Dominions again .
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