Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 Return to the lying position and repeat twice more to the same side .
2 The choice by the Queen of Lord Home in 1963 was of some importance since the circumstances in which it took place illustrated the difficulties of the process and led fairly quickly to the adoption by the Conservative Party of a leadership election process that was designed ( like the Labour Party 's leadership election ) to make the choice of a Prime Ministerial successor a constitutional formality .
3 Lucker is having none of my gung-ho enthusiasm and drives on regardless to the end of the peninsula .
4 Henry III continued to be in desperate need of money , however , and resorted yet again to the expedient of ordering large-scale sales of forest timber .
5 His partners , brought to the sticking point , agreed , somewhat reproachfully , and passed on firmly to the question of who was going to take over which of Angela 's clients .
6 As PNP progressed , we came across many examples of collaborations which were clearly working well and which had liberated staff to work in new ways , to increase their understanding and skill , and to attend more closely to the needs of particular groups and individuals .
7 She seemed to have dropped her voice and moved in closer to the phone as if to avoid the chance of being overheard .
8 He leapt up the steps , grabbed his valise and hastened down again to the truck .
9 They were standing side by side now , and came forward together to the car , and although Jim Gordon had not got his hand on Steve 's shoulder , Rose got the distinct impression he might have had .
10 With the advent of Enterprise Training , providing a range of skills , including financial management , staff management , technical management , as well as craft skills , training entered a wider framework and came closer still to the Advisory Services , and the farmer would , in time , come to look on the service of the Agricultural Training Board in the same way as he currently looked on the service of his bank or advisory service .
11 My heart cried out to it , but when I approached it , it summoned up the last dregs of its strength and paddled frantically away to the middle of the lake , where I had been instructed never to go .
12 She zipped her jeans and sauntered back downstairs to the other side of the table from Lucy .
13 This may be the last check of the design before it is " sealed " and handed over formally to the production team .
14 Ian frowned and turned once more to the window .
15 In the interval he had travelled to the extreme Left wing of English politics at that time , and swung back again to the Right with vigour and determination .
16 The session was short , the smile fading from the face of the accused as Mrs Balanchine described in detail how the car had come storming around a blind corner and swung in close to the wall where they were waiting to cross .
17 He took the load from her and walked rather slowly to the car .
18 She shrugged and walked on quietly to the house .
19 Bénezet let him go , and sat for some moments considering what he had heard , before he rose at leisure , and walked back thoughtfully to the guesthall .
20 Juliet stood up angrily and walked rigidly across to the window .
21 Contemporary with the alterations to the main east-west road , at least one or perhaps two possible public buildings were constructed immediately to the south on Sites 1 and 2 , each with a frontage carried on four columns and set so close to the road that the new roadside drains had to be diverted .
22 Labour 's response was to blame Mr James Callaghan 's financial orthodoxy — it was his government that introduced cash limits on government spending — and to lurch still further to the Left .
23 The boy 's head came up sharply , the green eyes flashed their invariable challenge , and flew back jealously to the shape of the opening flower that was heaving itself painfully out of the wood .
24 Instead of responding directly by logical rules and paths which have been envisaged and stored by the programmer an expert system training programme contains a knowledge base and an inference engine which can consult the knowledge base and respond more adaptively to the idiosyncratic needs of the trainee .
25 Cross the rails and go diagonally right to the gate .
26 Turn right onto the road through Harbottle village and go straight ahead to the car park .
27 We drove onto the boat and got out of our cars and went up further to the boat .
28 Benjamin was the oldest of the Frankfurt writers and related more directly to the neo-Kantianism of a previous generation of German scholars , which included Simmel and Weber , than did Adorno or Marcuse .
29 This waistcoat had flap-pockets and reached down almost to the knees : it was fastened right up to the neck with horse-shoe buttons , leaving just enough space for the red-spotted muffler or wrapper to be seen underneath .
30 Full of anticipation they were fitted out with very chic driving overalls , registered for the day ( or did they sign their lives away ? ) and listened very intently to the briefing .
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