Example sentences of "and [verb] [adv] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ten minutes later he was down and seated across from a young duty captain as they travelled the fast-link that connected the City to the spaceport .
2 The farmer and I went over and gazed down at a circular black object about half an inch across floating on the surface of the milk .
3 Knit two rows and bind off for a round neck or cast off for a V-neck .
4 During the half-halts , be strong with leg and positive with a blocking hand , then relax and sit quietly with a light contact , repeating this until the penny finally drops .
5 It occurred to her that most people , her former self included , would not walk away from an attack by a homicidal transvestite and sit down to a healthy breakfast .
6 In reality , individuals may not be able to borrow and lend freely at a given interest rate .
7 A diver absorbing excessive nitrogen must ascend to a designated depth to reduce the pressure and remain there for a specified time for what is known as a ‘ decompression stop . ’
8 We spent a day ashore on Barentsøya where the Dutch party went off inland on their own and met up with a polar bear with two cubs , which ran off when they saw the party .
9 Well really when I had the same thing , you know , and goes back for a little bit this morning and er same sort of thing .
10 He deals , breaks and rides out for a local National Hunt trainer to keep in the sport and would be delighted with any financial help — large or small .
11 It would have an educational benefit and bring home in a dramtic way the frightening nature of serial killers .
12 So I got on the Greyhound Bus for a six-hour ride to Washington and checked in at a cheap hotel opposite the bus depot .
13 If they are unusually anxious or irritated , they may find the noise just too much to deal with and stalk off in a feline sulk rather than squat down for a good meal .
14 PARIS — The French Army , fatigued by khaki , is to get a new ‘ modular ’ uniform designed by Pierre Balmain and made up in a grey-blue colour known as Terre de France .
15 The shirt comes right down over the feet , and threaded through with a woollen thread at the ankles , with tassels at the end .
16 I scattered pennies and rode on like a young lord through Aldgate and into London .
17 Many people claim that Frederick was imprisoned by the Turks , and that after his release he returned to Kaiserslautern and lived there for a long time .
18 When it begins to set , splash a little water on to it , and rub gently with a pointing trowel in a circular motion , to smooth flush , leaving little or no sanding .
19 Jean-Luc Roussel himself had come to the hospital and fretted and fluttered about like a true Cockney sparrow .
20 In this way , with one small rock fall following another , the flow continues to advance , very slowly , clanking and rattling forward like a shuffling slag heap .
21 Tyrone Evans had been brought into the court 's car park when he overpowered his guard and got away in a blue Renault .
22 Police at Ames , Iowa , are looking for a one-legged burglar who stole a three-legged Labrador dog from an electrical contracting business and got away in a stolen pick-up truck .
23 One startling apparition a few seats away was masked , and got up like a Chinese mandarin , with clacking claws for hands emerging from generous silk sleeves .
24 Darlington was only the second date on the tour and got off to a bad start with a trip from Manchester through freezing fog arriving late and cold .
25 Duncan had been appalled to find that women had the vote ‘ down South ’ and got off to a shaky start in the motor trade when one of the local spivs conned him into thinking a Pina Colada was the latest model Ford built in Spain .
26 Well I 've been off work for a bit and got back to a massive 156 messages from the group !
27 At the end of the incubation period , the gel piece is transferred into a new plastic tray containing 300 ml of freshly made DMS-stop buffer ( 0.5 M β-mercaptoethanol , 150 mM Tris-HCl , pH 7.3 , 5 mM EDTA ) and shaken vigorously on a rocking platform for 10' at 37°C ( at this temperature DMS is rapidly hydrolysed accelerating its inactivation ) .
28 But the walls themselves were constructed with an infill of mud bricks , set in mud mortar , and smoothed over with a beautiful mud plaster .
29 But actually there is one important thing they can do which would certainly improve world economic prospects : resist the temptation to put up new protectionist barriers , and push ahead with a speedy conclusion of the Uruguay round of trade talks .
30 There was no doubt at all that every Brownie there was determined to think hard and hunt hard for a new Pack Meeting place .
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