Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] the [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 With this in mind we take a look at the kind of thing the cold weather walker should be wearing on page 26 and bring you the latest thermals on page 24 .
2 Wonderful Members of Parliament , who , little more than twenty years before , had made themselves merry with the wild railroad theories of engineers , and given them the liveliest rubs in cross-examination , went down into the north with their watches in their hands , and sent on messages before by the electric telegraph , to say that they were coming Night and day the conquering engines rumbled at their distant work , or advancing smoothly to their journey 's end , and gliding like tame dragons into the allotted corners grooved out to the inch for their reception , stood bubbling and trembling there , making the walls quake , as if they were dilating with the secret knowledge of great powers yet unsuspected in them , and strong purposes not yet achieved .
3 Please accept my application and enrol me as a member of The Literary Guild and send me the introductory books whose numbers I have printed in the boxes provided .
4 ‘ Mr Lloyd George came … and informed me that he is able to form an administration and told me the proposed names of his colleagues , ’ the King wrote in his diary .
5 I gave McDunn the two names last night and told him the respective professions of their owners , then clammed up , just refused to say any more about them or about the body .
6 He held for Alice altogether a great fascination , but she steadfastly refused offers to go and see him in the nursery , and ignored him the few occasions he was on show .
7 The energiser that interpenetrates the physical world and shows us the higher aspects of reality … ’
8 Frustrated but secretly delighted that I had maybe caught him out with shoddy workmanship until an old fellow from Bernera stopped to give me a lift on the way past Carlaway and showed me the right ones , just before the main stones of Callanish .
9 ‘ After the match , the chairman came in and showed me the other results and the league placings .
10 Thomas Mayer and his son , Thomas Walton Mayer of Newcastle-under-Lyme , sent to every veterinary surgeon in the United Kingdom the draft of a memorial addressed to the governors of the London College , with the ultimate objective of gaining a Charter of Incorporation ‘ to protect us from illiterate and uneducated men , and to afford us the same privileges and exemptions which other professional bodies possess ’ .
11 Corsie , however , produced a perfect running bowl to take out Gourlay 's two nearest and give him the three shots he needed to take the set .
12 If we want to keep the best scientists and the best engineers in this country , we 'd better do two things : we 'd better attract them with good pay and we 'd better train them right and give them the proper facilities .
13 Love for another is one of the main derivatives of this awareness of difference ( two bodies in different skins ) and the accompanying gratitude when good things are provided : ‘ I love you because you are my mother and give me the good things I need . ’
14 All you or your workmen have to do is supply a concrete base and clad the outside walls in brick or stone and give it the finishing touches .
15 Without all these controls companies will still be making standard phone calls and writing them up afterwards into signed telephone logs and considering them the best records of a transaction .
16 There they will hire a minibus and drive themselves the 1,000 kilometres overland to Bophuthatswana .
17 Now , before speaking to that person , whether your boss or partner , ask your mentor to inspire you and to tell you the right time , to choose the right place and to give you the right words and the correct approach — and to help the other party accept what you have to say .
18 Esther Allan dusted off the music and taught her the best songs from Sugar and Spite .
19 Cyril Bradbury 's shocked daughter Denise had to make his breakfast at home and rush it the four miles to his bed wrapped in foil .
20 Not long ago geographers were wont to divide it into its most impressive component bodies , and to call them the Seven Seas .
21 However , no amount of relationship building will replace hard work and accomplishing what the public relations campaign set out to do .
22 Once you understand the basics of what the technology can provide you need to carefully consider your own situation and ask yourself the following questions :
23 Always check the final composition before the photograph is taken and ask yourself the following questions :
24 Here he was able to stand back from the onrush of western man and ask himself the real questions of life and meaning ; get his young life , full and successful as it had been , into perspective .
25 The People 's Provincial bus sped off , but a driver from the rival company , Red Admiral accepted Sarah 's 15p and took her the three miles home to Paulsgrove .
26 The government refused the paramilitaries the political status which they requested , and offered them the same terms as those given to surrendering drug traffickers : a reduction of prison sentences in return for confessions to crimes .
27 I met a man in the glen who seemed to know every spot , and gave me the Gaelic names of all the corries .
28 ‘ However I wanted to race in Ireland and I was frustrated when the Lisburn club came back to me a few days after I had signed up for the French meeting and gave me the full details .
29 They have treated it as a cheap option , giving workers a minimum training and offering them the minimum resources and telling them to get on with it — basically because that 's good enough for the poor .
30 And thus I was brought , by the gracious providence of God , to that place which had the chiefest of my labours and yielded me the greatest fruits of comfort . ’
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