Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] to [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She disappeared , then reappeared behind the counter and whispered something to the girl who was on duty there .
2 After fulling , the cloth was well rinsed and , now reduced from 35″ to 27″ in width , was taken to the tenter ground to be stretched to shape by fastening hooks in the selvedge and attaching them to the tenter frames .
3 It was established that individual pathetic character once and forever by tying one end of his pocket handkerchief to a hook on , in the wall and attaching himself to the other to the performance , to , to the performance of this feat however the pocket handkerchief inside had been all he , he only cried bitterly all day and when the longest nights came on he spread his little hand before his eyes to shut out the darkness and crouching in the corner tried to sleep , everyone drawing himself closer and closer to the wall
4 It has managed to fall flat on its ‘ face ’ after climbing to the very top of the glass and attaching itself to the underside of the small glass shelf that runs along the top , which , by the way , made it almost impossible to feed .
5 She whimpers as I twist a little harder and drag her to the cloakroom , to keep out of Merchant 's way .
6 She heard a muttered curse , she saw a shadow across the french window at the end of the room , she felt someone catch her round the waist and drag her to the ground .
7 First , take the legs and heave them up and over ; then grab the body by the arms or legs and drag it to the edge … no , that would n't be practicable , that way the killer would be moving backwards and be the first to fall .
8 The BTEC HND courses consistently and successfully attract students of a more practical than academic inclination , and develop them to the stage where their natural pragmatic talents have been enhanced with a rigorous regime of integrated business skills .
9 Albert Tailors , in the shape of old Mr Albert himself , took one look at him and channelled him to the Teens Room , which was festooned with guitars and pictures of pop singers .
10 Of course , this consequence follows because the building society is in effect attracting funds from the public sector and channelling them to the borrowers that we identified in section 4.1.1 .
11 Right across the village , men and women stooped over , black forms against a world of white , shovelling great heaps of snow and tumbling them to the ground in frothy white cascades .
12 He gripped her wrist firmly and led her to a door .
13 He smiled at her , took her arm and led her to the window .
14 Alexander took her hand and led her to the door that led out on to the path that wound down towards the beach .
15 He took her arm and led her to the dining room , where the gleaming long rectangular table had been impeccably set for two .
16 He dumped his kitbag and led her to an armchair , but she clung to him in a state of possessive disbelief which upset Charles even more than the deep depression he 'd been suffering from when he entered the flat .
17 He gestured towards the table with an amiable smile and led them to the gate .
18 The count simply abandoned the small , expensive aircraft and led them to the car .
19 Despite the quality of mind which had won him his first-class honours degree and led him to a study of modern philosophical and psychological theory , he rode like a conqueror over the rules of logic and morality .
20 She took Mungo 's case , hung up his mac and led him to a fire as lively as the one in the waiting-room .
21 When Edward suggested ablutions first he grinned engagingly and led him to the bar .
22 And she took his hand and led him to the bed .
23 And it was not until Mrs Thackray 's tall , craggy fair-haired son had shouldered his luggage and led him to the top of St Jude 's Street that he had realized his peril .
24 He had a semi-hard-on the whole time he was bathing her , and without warning she grabbed him by it , and led him to the bath .
25 Tommy took him by the arm and led him to the chair .
26 ‘ Victor 's story is that she was willing , she undressed and led him to the bedroom .
27 Gebrec returned from putting the bus away and Bonard took him by the arm and led him to the terrace .
28 ‘ The warder came and told me to dress and led me to an officer of the court , ’ the small , self-effacing lawyer recalled in an interview on Saturday .
29 She frowned for a moment , then picked up my hand and led me to the window .
30 But he raised his left hand again , this time to silence me ; took my arm and led me to the edge of the colonnade .
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