Example sentences of "and [verb] [pron] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Humility is to orient our lives towards God , so that we understand and obey him in a greater and greater sense .
2 They form a component of some social stratification systems simply because members of those systems select certain characteristics and evaluate them in a particular way .
3 A man dragged her into an alleyway , and attacked her in a nearby churchyard .
4 An intelligence , guided by a purpose , must be continually in action to bias the direction of the steps of change — to regulate their amount — to limit their divergence — and to continue them in a definite course …
5 She wanted only to rid herself of the blocks Ewan had inflicted on her and lose herself in a new future .
6 She hoped he would approve of her smart black dress and the way she had pulled her hair back from her face and pinned it in a classical knot at the back of her head .
7 Like the smaller copepods , euphausiids are mainly herbivorous , combing algal cells from the water and gathering them in a basket-like arrangement of bristles on their many-jointed forelimbs .
8 We will now develop these themes and combine them in a systematic way to construct an improved understanding of the relationship between daily life and the nation state .
9 I think if you got maybe a twenty five year old who came to your school for a week and got you in a small group and talked about it , it would be great on a one to one basis .
10 The new mood turns the idea of what is received taste on its head by employing the use of sometimes ‘ naff ’ items from previous decades , and incorporating them in a fresh context .
11 The activity had been planned so that when children helped one another they would be using principles applied in problem-solving on one of the tasks and applying them in a new form on the other .
12 The figure turned stiffly and fixed them in a sightless gaze .
13 The electrons may be emitted from a hot cathode maintained at a fixed temperature and then conducted through a stable arrangement of electric and magnetic fields which imparts to them a certain amount of energy and focusses them in a particular region of space .
14 I wandered into the wholesale office of a big tobacco factory , and found myself in a dark panelled Victorian world of snuff counters , old polished scales for weighing out ounces of baccy and a snug with settle chairs .
15 I awoke , and found myself in a cold hillside .
16 I could n't understand what was wrong with him until Frankie pulled out the other two from behind the boiler and found them in a similar state .
17 And suddenly he dragged her struggling against him , and clamped her there while his hard mouth sought and found hers in a violent kiss , forcing her lips apart , his hand holding the back of her head like a vice while she kicked and hit and struggled .
18 You drove down a slope to a depth of 50 or more feet , and found yourself in a spacious area which was brightly lit .
19 Blake moved from the Old Nag 's Head , through a courtyard , and found himself in a long alley .
20 He pushed through a regulation fire door and found himself in a narrow passageway that ran along by the stairs to the kitchen .
21 Last summer Frankie had climbed the tallest ash and found himself in a whole new world .
22 They pushed through the door , and found themselves in a big general office .
23 She pushed open the only door , and found herself in a spacious but gloomy office .
24 She scuttled through the door and found herself in a long drawing-room choked with old-fashioned furniture .
25 Bernice followed him , and found herself in a square space behind the staircase .
26 Measure for Measure takes this basic pattern and develops it in a new direction .
27 Other patients give a negative skin-prick test but respond positively to an intradermal test ( see p 288 ) , which is more ‘ sensitive ’ because it uses more antigen and places it in a deeper layer of the skin .
28 They have been left behind by the economic restructuring of the 1980s , shunted off on a branch line of history and left back in the twilight of the 1970s along with flares and skinheads , a time when demagogues made last-ditch efforts to salvage working-class pride and channel it in a fascist direction .
29 Take three potatoes of the same variety and place one in a cool dark place , expose one to daylight and one to fluorescent light .
30 Cut the mackerel fillets into cubes and place them in a large bowl .
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