Example sentences of "and [noun] [adv] [vb pp] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , the counsellor will have to work with older people whose lives have already been deeply affected by the problems of ageing , and this will require all the skills and insight of looking into individual feelings and attitudes already outlined in Part 1 .
2 The Brompton Oratory ( the Oratorian church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary ) is an architecturally conspicuous bastion of British Catholicism , where the liturgy is conducted with pre-Vatican II elaboration and Latin regularly used in conjunction with a distinguished musical tradition .
3 Translation — with both Sega and Nintendo still locked in combat for the pre-pubescent male dollar , anything that might alienate little boys ( eg girlie games ) is still a definite no-no .
4 The urban guilds and merchants steadily advanced in wealth and power , and began to spawn a top bourgeoisie of financiers and international traders who could help the landowners to invest their surplus capital profitably .
5 But I kept hold of the reins and Prince just stopped in time .
6 Baldwin and Irwin both believed in accommodation and not in confrontation .
7 And why had she and Dionne never fallen In Love ?
8 Yet each in his own way sincerely struggled to impose order on a country where Lowlander and Highlander rarely met in friendship , and could rarely communicate in the same tongue ; where there was the continual threat of another English excuse for invasion , often abetted by self-seeking elements within the kingdom itself ; and where arrogant noblemen prolonged family feuds disruptive not merely to the families conceded but to the governance of the kingdom itself .
9 The court had heard how the raid had been abandoned after a cache of tools and equipment commonly used in bank raids was discovered in a bus shelter .
10 The skills and resources now employed in defence R&D ; and armaments production should be a driving force in Europe 's industrial modernisation .
11 Although the main group to benefit from the new law are the families of asbestos sufferers , the reform also affects workers dying from other forms of industrial illness , nuclear test victims and people fatally injured in road and medical accidents .
12 Engels ( 1874 ) , in an essay on authority directed against the anarchists , commented upon violent political revolutions that ‘ a revolution is certainly the most authoritarian thing there is ’ , but he did not go on to consider whether the authoritarianism of an armed revolutionary struggle might not subsequently become firmly entrenched in the practices of a post-revolutionary government ; and he could not foresee that the ‘ dictatorship of the proletariat ’ ( a phrase which he and Marx occasionally used in order to refer to the political dominance of the working class , conceived as the vast majority of the population , in the initial phase of socialist society ) would be transformed into a plain dictatorship and a reign of terror , turned against the people themselves .
13 The formulae to produce x , y plotting coordinates from latitude and longitude values for this projection are as follows ( definitions of r and clong are given first ) : with latitude and longitude again expressed in radian measure .
14 ‘ If the account between the mortgagor and the mortgagee is not a settled account , the mortgagor is prima facie entitled to have an account as against the mortgagee of the proceeds of sale , which would include an account of the mortgagee 's costs , charges and expenses properly incurred in relation to the mortgage .
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