Example sentences of "and [noun] [vb -s] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Sporadically , Katherine Mansfield conveys the volatile atmosphere in the comfortable apartment and Beatrice emerges as a deluded and rather pathetic exhibitionist .
2 Maintaining confidence and support depends on the thousand little things that are done around the school .
3 Arcade , expected to include an applications builder , object editor and browser and SQL links to the Big Four databases , will share the stage with Asterix 3.0 , the latest version of the company 's integrated office automation suite , currently out on beta test at a number of customer sites .
4 Arcade , expected to include an applications builder , object editor and browser and SQL links to the big four databases , will share the stage with Asterix 3.0 , the latest version of the company 's integrated office automation suite , currently out on beta test at a number of customer sites .
5 If you answer correctly , keep the card and play passes to the next player .
6 He wants to see agricultural societies developed throughout Burma , with something like the flower and vegetable shows in an English village .
7 The enrichment of forms and surfaces acts as a social catalyst .
8 The main reason people have been wearing Adidas Shell-toes and Puma States in the past year or so is because Nike , Adidas , Troop , Converse , British Knights , Travel Fox , Reebok , LA Gear , Hi-Tec , Jordache , etc , are producing some of the silliest , shittiest trainers known to man ( and woman ) .
9 SUING people especially doctors , is a great national pastime in America , and negligence suits against the medical profession are becoming more common in Britain .
10 Following his string of single and album hits in the '70s , a marriage and children , Steve let the '80s slip by .
11 The seasoned rockers and cabaret bores at the local pub would appreciate the fact they have travelled up and down the country , playing every decrepit club and hovel on the way .
12 Although the Whigs repealed the Occasional Conformity and Schism Acts after the Han-overian Succession , they took their time in doing so , and the party became bitterly divided on the issue .
13 Their approach is informal and Physics of Stellar Evolution and Cosmology reads like a scientific detective story .
14 Produce common size profit and loss accounts for the five years and analyse these statements with particular reference to the profitability of Belper .
15 Glasses clash and cutlery clatters in the all-night cantinas where drunken revellers confuse the robot waiters and flee along the colonnades , their bills unpaid , their breath steaming in the thin and wintry air .
16 After his visit to the hospital he spoke to shoppers in Stockton High Street about the community charge and Labours plans for a fair rate .
17 Favourite walking and shooting sticks by the connecting bedroom door .
18 The important technique , which keeps you going as an automaton until interest and desire take over , and concentration sharpens to a fine point , is that of having a rigorous time-table of study laid down in advance .
19 That weapon 's yet to be found and police have been searching through the gardens of nearby houses and lifting drains in the surrounding area looking for the knife .
20 All it does is answer nothing and demands answers to a whole host of other questions .
21 The main beach is just across the seafront road , and boat trips to the lovely coral island beaches nearby can be arranged .
22 Convergence ( not to be confused with phyletic convergence ) refers to the degree of resemblance of faunas in different regions increasing from an earlier to a later period , and divergence refers to the reverse phenomenon ( Fig. 18. 3 ) .
23 Agreements signed on Oct. 28 provided F5,000 million ( US$1,000 million ) worth of French loans and export credits to the Soviet Union , and set up a joint five-year industrial , scientific and technical programme involving professional training , co-operation between public-sector enterprises , and scientific research .
24 An economic agreement worth 7,200,000 million lire in the form of a government-guaranteed loan and export credits over the next five years , as announced by Italy on Oct. 18 , was also signed .
25 His latest plan is to introduce DM20 billion ( $12.5 billion ) of extra savings and revenue increases in the 1994 budget , due to be unveiled on July 13th .
26 New issues crowd in to join them : environmental management , repairing the damage which socialist concentration on heavy industry has inflicted on Eastern Europe , technological competition in a world where the struggle for economic supremacy is replacing the struggle for military security , migration and refugee flows on an vast scale .
27 Kopyion sat on a chair , staring out of half-blind eyes at the screens and eating dates from a little box on his lap .
28 I 've seen comparable cost per port and maintenance costs for an equivalent C++ application in spite of the theoretical portability benefits of C++ .
29 In Scale 2 Hilton talks of his understanding of the dynamic nature of God 's love working in man : The goal of contemplative life is to see this , a seeing which is a felt understanding of love , and Hilton accounts for the curious process by which a person grows towards this state as the interaction between the being of God — unformed love in which all men participate — and the response enabled by God to this dynamic potential at the heart of their being — love formed .
30 On the economic front , changes in the economy and labour needs since the 1970s have been among the factors encouraging modification of this rigid system .
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