Example sentences of "and [noun] [verb] the [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Thorneycroft insisted , like Sandys before him over the TSR 2 , that economies should be made by the Navy and RAF using the same airframe for their future supersonic fighter , but he was equally unsuccessful : the requirements for the two environments were far too far apart .
2 There are so many other causes and sponsorships chasing the same money .
3 On the one hand , it was simply the period required for the sun , moon , and planets to attain the same positions in relation to each other as they had at a given time .
4 Liberia and Panama took the latter view , and claimed that the election was null and void from the moment Liberia was not elected .
5 Yesterday Sudbury chairman Iain Hook said the club 's case was based on the fact the division four clubs had a greater need for support as a result of their geographical locations and inability to attract the same amount of outside backing as top clubs .
6 But still it is very carefully structured with a setting verse , a narrative verse and finishing off with a reflective verse and 10 syllables in each line and Futility has the same feeling of careful planning and construction .
7 Observances , Absent & Present , Kirsten Lavers and Kevin Weaver combine performance and photography to describe the many manifestations of photographic observance ( 14 Mar–12 Apr . ) .
8 On the other hand , the two British entries , Richardson and Hynds , worked together to take a substantial win in men 's K1 with Hemmings and Gilby doing the same thing in the ladies ' K1 event in a field of only three .
9 Winston Churchill 's writings and speeches have the same quality of speaking not only to the mind but to the heart .
10 If the mother notices that he does not like certain songs she at once introduces others with different phrases and melody embodying the same teaching .
11 100 years ago a legion of artists and craftsmen made the same journey .
12 South Korea has committed $5 billion over ten years to investing in new technologies , Ward reminded his audience , and Singapore and Taiwan attach the same importance to staying at the cutting edge .
13 Mr McGiffert stated that he was concerned that the large volume of traffic caused by the new golf course would wreak havoc , with farm machinery and animals using the same road .
14 The resistance of Ulster was also linked to its business roots with such slogans as " Industrial Ulster is united " or " They mean business " , and Law made the same point when he described in Norwich a recent meeting that he had addressed in the Ulster Hall :
15 Less than a dozen years later , television , radio , newspapers , posters and placards proclaimed the same slogans extolling life in the ‘ age of Ceauşescu ’ .
16 Apart from Ireland it would seem that the smaller European countries have contained the situation better than have the larger ones , but this is an artefact since other small countries such as Belgium , Netherlands and Denmark follow the same trend as the larger countries .
17 Serbs and Croats used the same language , and readily married each other , especially in the cities .
18 One allocation that would be both efficient and equitable in this sense would be an initial endowment at 1 where both A and B have the same X and Y. Since they face the same budget constraint , each can have what the other has so that any trades away from equal allocation to the contract curve must meet the reverse allocation test illustrated as part ( b ) of the figure .
19 Here the staccato ranges presumably from ‘ snow ’ to ‘ rain ’ but hardly to ‘ hail ’ It is here where , given the speed of Mozart 's writing , the exact character of the staccato was not important enough for him to make a conscious effort at graphic differentiation , and where , as a consequence , dots and strokes have the same meaning .
20 Intention and recklessness bear the same meaning throughout the draft Code .
21 The very way that news stories and programmes about mental handicap are reported falls into the same trap of assuming that the whole subject is sad and despairing , mainly because the journalists and broadcasters possess the same lack of understanding as their viewers .
22 Erm and if you and Ray make the same case , then you and Ray have to fight for the
23 Off-spinners Trumble and Noble performed the same service for Australia .
24 Me and Pam bet the same horse and did n't know , and we had a ten to one winner !
25 She and Elspeth had the most books of any girls in the street .
26 Since QA listings and approvals use the most CPU , and also elapsed time , another check is to look at LIFESPAN Option 1.5.6 , All Current QA Activities Enquiries , and wait until all packages are in state IN PREP or PREPARED .
27 Constant Old Testament quotations and allusions show the same reliance on the Old Testament teaching for the disclosure of God 's character and purposes .
28 Many industries and businesses have the same range of control , freedom , accountability , autonomy and interrelatedness .
29 In previous months two other seminars have taken place in India and Singapore addressing the same topic .
30 I remembered my own boyhood watching cavalrymen sticking tent pegs at the gymkhanas , and tried knights on shining white chargers , complete with shining white bascinets , breastplates , leg armour and gauntlets doing the same thing to my inside , but they never really filled the role .
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