Example sentences of "and [noun] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Formulation of the plan seems to be the result of a complex but highly structured process of consultations and meetings carried out over a six month period , and culminating in the ratification of the plan by the full Politburo .
2 This ‘ Winnie the War Winner ’ was made from two 109-sets , parts from the plantation manager 's receiver collected by Bill Baldwin , and bits and bobs laid out in a contraption of wires and valves around a room 10 feet square ( 3m² ; ) .
3 Clearly everyone was in festive mood despite the recession , and bidding got off to a brisk start :
4 Support for MacDonald had remained strong among some of the 200,000 Navajo and violence broke out during a protest march on his behalf in Window Rock on July 22 ; two men died and nine were wounded when police opened fire .
5 Acceptable collocational patterns and grammatical structures can only enhance the readability of individual sentences , but they do not in themselves ensure that sentences and paragraphs add up to a readable or coherent text .
6 Martin charging down on Dobson ; Martin , eyes glaring and lips drawn back in a feral snarl ; Martin , arm raised and baton coming down again and again on Dobson 's head ; Martin , growling savagely at the yobs , daring them to interfere ; Martin , turing angrily as the sergeant pulled the baton from his hand ; finally , Martin , white and shaking , as he looked down disbelievingly at the unconscious Dobson .
7 For about fifteen minutes he did nothing but sit there contentedly , sipping his coffee and watching their restless , flickering scene around him through half-open eyes : the tall , bearded man with a cigar and a fatuous grin who walked up and down at an unvarying even pace like a clockwork soldier , never looking at anybody ; the plump ageing layabout in a Gestapo officers leather coat and dark glasses holding court outside the door of the cafe , trading secrets and scandal with his men friends , assessing the passers-by as thought they were for sale , calling after women and making hour-glass gestures with his hairy gold-ringed hands ; a frail old man bent like an S , with a crazy harmless expression and a transistor radio pressed to his ear walking with the exaggerated urgency of those who have nowhere to go ; slim Africans with leatherwork belts and bangles laid out on a piece of cloth ; a Gypsy child sitting n the cold stone playing the same four note again and again on a cheap concertina ; two foreigners with guitars an a small crowd around them ; a beggar with his shirt pulled down over one shoulder to reveal the stump of an amputated arm ; a pudgy shapeless women with an open suitcase full of cigarette lighters and bootleg cassettes ; the two Nordic girls at the next table , basking half-naked in the weak March sun as though this might be the last time it appeared this year .
8 She 'd expected a steady upward climb , but suddenly the tunnel dipped and steps went down beside a white race of water .
9 This was the scheme outlined by Talcott Parsons and Edward Shils in Towards a General Theory of Action ( 1951 ) .
10 He stood by the cab with the door held open , and Lucy climbed out in a daze .
11 But Dzagnidze then followed his own kick for a try in the corner , and Mironov swept through for a try that Dzagnidze converted .
12 He was high on the flooding wave from the bursting dam of his dark nature , all the anxiety , guilt , hate and repressions sweeping out in a reckless torrent , no longer containable .
13 But he missed a tricky black and Parrott stepped in with a 48 clearance to pink to lead 3–0 .
14 He had breakfasted lightly on Marmite and toast washed down with a pot of tea .
15 Well it reminds me when I was in a shop on the High Street for many years and a little boy and girl came in with a , with an Alsatian dog , a puppy .
16 The visual inspiration for the book was the famous advert for Start-rite shoes , showing a small boy and girl walking off down a tree-lined avenue — an innocent image if ever there was one .
17 We had a critical look at the one Lancaster and the one Mosquito , had a good laugh at the set piece showing the inside of a Waaf Nissen hut ( so tidy and so spacious ! ) , and then studied the dozens of squadron crests and emblems laid out in a large glass cabinet .
18 For bed a roadside ditch in the summer , a barn or hay-loft in the winter was all he sought , while for food and drink a farmer 's wife never begrudged him the plate of bread and potatoes washed down by a mug of tay .
19 An opportunity for escape occurred shortly afterwards when she and Wordsworth set off on a walking tour into the Wye Valley .
20 There was no room with Jimmy and Sean , and Marcus and Pete moved on to a different table .
21 Significant new business in tableware and giftware adds up to a
22 They can be up to 200ft ( 60m ) in diameter and are mostly constructed of stones , with a rim , and spokes radiating out from a central cairn .
23 How do the Garys and Larrys come up with a thousand quid ?
24 Earlier this year Central and Anglia teamed up in a jointly owned group , Television Sales & Marketing Services , which has now won contracts to sell time for Border TV and the cable channel Discovery .
25 Webb took the ball in his stride , cut inside , and Sharpe finished off with a low angled shot which gave Pears no chance .
26 And Derbyshire got off to a beautiful start .
27 The angle eased , and Mick smeared up to a high peg from which the guide suggested a rope move .
28 You could spot where it had just been by aeroplanes and helicopters taking off in a hurry .
29 ‘ Shall we go to the party ? ’ she wheedled , and Alain sat back with a smile .
30 There was a faint rattle and a metallic clink from high above and Grant sank back into a crouch , waiting with baited breath to see if the slight noise had alerted anyone .
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