Example sentences of "and [noun] [verb] [to-vb] [pers pn] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We were in the lane after Sacco left , ’ said Nooty , ‘ and it was getting really cold and Dorcas said to take him the other side of the hedge and , well , it was me who said you can see rabbits in this field sometimes , and he said find a rabbit-hole .
2 For the colleges and polytechnics attempting to implement it the DipHE raised problems of ‘ interlock ’ with other programmes , and transferability to other institutions — with a need for considerable attention to student counselling .
3 where a special area in one housing estate has been set aside for problem families , where they are given daily supervision combined with training and instruction designed to teach them the elements of home craft and mothercraft so that in due course , when they have proved they can manage their affairs , domestic , financial or otherwise , they can return to a better house in a more desirable neighbourhood .
4 THE world 's stock exchanges had a turbulent week as politics and economics conspired to give them the jitters .
5 The assumptions we have been making so far about intensional relations and their combination and representation seem to deny us the chance of distinguishing two different structures here .
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