Example sentences of "and [noun] [verb] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Another distinction is that some of the approaches concern essentially the children 's developing use of language , whereas others concern the knowledge about language and literature required of an informed and educated citizen in a democratic society .
2 Privet and yew combine in an effective two-tone design
3 He wants to see agricultural societies developed throughout Burma , with something like the flower and vegetable shows in an English village .
4 The solid blue of Kandinskaya 's imminence spiked darker and thinner with frustration and Jezrael responded with an overt — if insincere — display of attention .
5 His grandparents used to be Gypsies and Jon realised from an early age that he would like to follow in their footsteps .
6 Yet , even if all of this causes great uncertainty among scientists , it is still a reasonable prediction that a decade ahead will see both environmental monitoring and prediction treated as an everyday need and activity in major organizations .
7 Tanker-mounted injectors are the most common , but there are also tractor-mounted injectors fed from a tanker running alongside and injectors fed from an umbilical hose system .
8 The vistas of fir forests , islands and lakes disintegrated into an outer London suburb and a mundane wife called Letitia .
9 The outcome added to the atmosphere of crisis and confusion heightened by an extraordinary speech by the Governor of the Bank of England , Robin Leigh-Pemberton , who admitted he had no idea about the real state of Britain 's battered economy .
10 The outcome added to the atmosphere of crisis and confusion heightened by an extraordinary speech by the Governor of the Bank of England , Robin Leigh-Pemberton , who admitted he had no idea about the real state of Britain 's battered economy .
11 Doctors and paramedics work with an elaborate system of reports and an information center , the nurse 's station on the patient 's floor .
12 Watching Bobo he repeated the sign in full , a stylised outlining of the fruit with thumb and forefinger followed by an exaggerated peeling gesture .
13 New issues crowd in to join them : environmental management , repairing the damage which socialist concentration on heavy industry has inflicted on Eastern Europe , technological competition in a world where the struggle for economic supremacy is replacing the struggle for military security , migration and refugee flows on an vast scale .
14 Jenny could probably have won another prize with her ‘ Whitby Old Town ’ , a print taken at night of buildings and steps lit by an eerie amber street light .
15 I 've seen comparable cost per port and maintenance costs for an equivalent C++ application in spite of the theoretical portability benefits of C++ .
16 Brazil called it a step backward in international relations and Mexico called for an immediate cessation of hostilities .
17 Maintenance of self-esteem and responses to stress in an ageing
18 Gary and Nails lived in an old dump behind the bus station .
19 Increasing resistance to the alien forces led to the clashes and controversies described in an earlier Chapter .
20 In the House , a decision was delayed whilst Democrats and Republicans negotiated in an unsuccessful attempt to reach a consensus over the scope and procedures of the inquiry .
21 A feature which often occurred comprised the cross and circle used in an interlaced ornament with acanthus or vine leaves .
22 The bitter brew , more than 140 years old and known to regulars as Pink Guinness , is a secret mix of tinctures and extracts topped with an effervescent tablet .
23 Sir Isaac Newton ( 1642- 1727 ) in his second paper on light and colours spoke of an electro-magnetic-like , subtle , vibrating electric and elastic medium as the inorganic basis of life .
24 Non-sexism can only be a utopian or post-revolutionary state arrived at after the massive change in social relations and ideas demanded by an aggressive anti-sexist policy .
25 I went over , exchanged greetings with everyone and Graham pointed at an empty table a few yards away and said :
26 Lewis reached his third Test fifty before edging a flowery drive , and Salisbury recovered from an excruciating blow on the box from Waqar to bang him through the covers and generally give the impression that he might soon be worth a sport higher than No. 9 in the order .
27 Both music and drama unfold with an inexorable concentration to the riotously naked , yet scrupulously choreographed mania of the orgiastic final scene .
28 Original air intakes and filters came from an old lorry .
29 After her evening with Matthew Prescott she had slept badly , lost in feverish waking dreams , in memories which whirled kaleidoscopically through her brain , hurling fragmented images of Italy and crashing seas , roses and carnations , the aroma of coffee and the taste of wine , Carlo , Cameron , Matthew , the sound of bat on ball , thatched roofs and dusk falling across an English lawn .
30 Weavers and knitters flourished in an Indian summer during which power spinning provided abundant yarn , while power weaving lay still in the future .
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