Example sentences of "and [noun] [verb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So religions , symbolic systems , and ideologies develop a metaphysical life of their own and acquire qualities which stubbornly resist being reduced to mere reflections of the social order .
2 In general terms , Bacon and Hobbes accept the Aristotelian idea that scientific understanding involves knowledge of causes .
3 And now she was entirely alone , brother and sister both lost to her , Jonathon upstairs , Victoria downstairs and Melanie treading the dangerous route between them , connected to neither .
4 ‘ Relaxation and meditation play a major role in yoga and in the treatment of stress-related illnesses , the scourge of modern society , ’ says Norma Duffield of the Centre , currently enrolling for its autumn courses at Queen 's University , Belfast and Holywood .
5 But then the cells at the tip begin to shoot out long filopodia which make contact with the wall and contract pulling the future gut further in .
6 Following on from the debate , the TAC secretary and chairman prepare a final response in the form of a memorandum of comment .
7 Now and then lightning flickered through the gloom , the lights dimmed , and thunder rattled every loose panel and plank in the building .
8 ‘ What comes up , ’ said Rory , and Jessica gave a dirty laugh .
9 NATURALLY , BOTH Jim and Fruitbat have the wit and honesty to carry the whole affair and actually make a go of the potentially over-sanitised ‘ indie ’ event .
10 When occasionally they asked her what was the marketing strategy or the business plan and she said , openly , that there never had been one , her patent naturalness and honesty made the whole thing appear even more of a fairy story .
11 One such book illustration was used for Joshua and Caleb carrying a large bunch of grapes between them ; to be found at Milverton in Somerset .
12 Sheffield United have been trapped by the candid camera too often in the past and Bassett thinks the prying lens is wrong in all sorts of ways .
13 And Fin makes a desperate decision .
14 On the contrary , the poetry of Von Platen , Mörike and Heine attests the continuing influence of ancient Greece at a high level of poetic achievement .
15 Horbury and Ossett preserve a healthy independence which gives each town its own special character Photographs : Simon Warner
16 A window in a nearby house opened , and Doyle watched an old lady lean out , look around , then pull back inside .
17 This means that , for most academics at least , research and teaching require an institutional framework .
18 While it is true that scavenging fish and snails perform a valuable task , a well ordered pool can be equally well maintained without them .
19 Two days later 10 opposition parties and groups issued a joint statement in which they denounced what they described as the over-representation of the ruling Patriotic Salvation Movement ( MPS ) on the commission .
20 Although both Kirk and Hargreaves support a common curriculum they have major reservations about the government 's proposals .
21 Horses and ponies need a peaceful environment , free from daily strife and tension .
22 Roger was also the first bishop of Coventry and Lichfield to keep an episcopal register ( later lost ) .
23 The citadel 's rough , sheer pale-brown outer walls and ramparts resemble a giant sandcastle built on the edge of the sea .
24 It has 66 courses and 75 hotels , motels and condominiums offering a wide selection of accommodation , with all sorts of deals for the visiting golfer .
25 Sainsbury 's sponsored the grape-treading stage and Faith gave a bare-footed demonstration before the Prince .
26 " Space travel " immediately involves , not only astronomy and engineering , but mathematics and physics to hold the wilder speculators in check , and religion and literature to stimulate the creative imagination .
27 Such dreary teaching could be eliminated if literature were separated from language , theory from practice , and literature became the chosen subject only for those who had a particular aptitude for it , or a desire to learn to criticize and analyse .
28 Painting , architecture ( as its most pure ) , and literature have a definitive form or text , and although the same can be said of drama whilst it remains on the printed page , its conversion to the performing medium allows a great deal more flexibility than music ever can .
29 ‘ Both me and Vinny had a good sleep on the plane and we are ready for hard training .
30 In their capacity as the Society 's ‘ Printers ’ ( neither was in fact a printer himself ) Martyn and Allestry played an important role in the establishment of experimental philosophy , publishing such key works as the Micrographia ( 1665 ) of Robert Hooke [ q.v. ] and the History of the Royal Society ( 1667 ) by Thomas Sprat [ q.v . ] .
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