Example sentences of "and [noun] [conj] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 During this first period ( up to 1750 ) of relatively slow and uneven growth , trusts were set up at a rate of only eight a year and were concentrated largely around London , radiating especially to the north and west and into the Midlands .
2 Pioneering scholarship in the 1960s by Rudé and Rose suggested that food rioting first occurred in Oxfordshire in the closing years of the seventeenth century and then spread over the South and West and into the Midlands , but were uncommon in the northern counties .
3 ‘ So there is a new convergence of political thinking between East and West and within the West . ’
4 There is a great consensus building up between the peoples of East and West as to the sort of Europe they want to see .
5 Its goal was " to achieve a peaceful world where these basic values can be enhanced and where each individual can live a meaningful life with the full development of his or her personality and talents and with the guarantee of human and civil rights in a democratic framework of society " .
6 As Counts of Poitou the Dukes had long ruled Poitou and Saintonge , and had been recognized as overlords by the Counts of Angoulême , La Marche and Périgord and by the Viscounts of Limoges .
7 At the back of the church behind the pulpit were choir room , vestry and toilets and above the vestry a committee room .
8 Students will be expected to identify the strengths and weaknesses in their contribution to the investigation and to comment on their personal feelings and reactions and on the value of the learning gained to their personal and social development .
9 There is a great deal of evidence and experience as to the effects of anoxia ( oxygen deficiency ) in the later foetal stage or at birth in the incidence of mental subnormality and cerebral palsy .
10 In general , regulation has become formal with more specific guidelines and rules than in the past , coupled with the abolition of many informal agreements such as the minimum commission system and single capacity of the stock exchange , and the interest rate cartel of the building societies .
11 Looking about him , he could see that tiny segments of woodwork from the floor he was waxing and polishing and from the doors he was stripping of paint , had been removed with delicate precision .
12 If communities can be thought of as houses , we are as concerned to discover what goes on in the bedroom , bathroom and kitchen as in the dining-room and sitting-room .
13 regular review and monitoring of the patient 's needs and progress and of the delivery of the care programme ( DoH , 1992 , p. 11 ) .
14 Was your career decision a carefully thought out choice based on a thorough consideration of your strengths and values and of the opportunities available to you — or was it an intuitive leap into the dark ?
15 There is rich golden pigmentation in the ears and skin and around the eyes ; the muzzle is buff , the hoofs amber and the coat shades of fawn with or without white markings over a thin , loose hide .
16 There have been improvements here and there in the East European countries , but generally speaking they distribute sulphur dioxide to their own fields and cities and to the countries downwind of them as liberally as they ever did .
17 But it was criticised for not making a formal reference to the link between the review and accounts and to the availability of the audited accounts .
18 The analysis will focus on social and economic aspects of Welsh society and land tenure , on relationships between native Welsh and settler English populations and institutions and on the processes of law-keeping , litigation and dispute-resolution .
19 One night we went swimming and bowling and towards the end we had a disco .
20 ( The present writer 's introduction to Wallis Budge 's books on ancient Egypt , long before he could read them with understanding , led him — forty years later — to the temples of Karnak and Luxor and to the Valley of the Kings . )
21 The week will feature various lunchtime workshops and speakers and in the evenings we are having entertainments , such as films , a women only meeting/disco and a lesbian and gay night at a local nightclub .
22 The loss of basic medical sciences can only be detrimental to clinical teaching and research and to the staff of university hospitals .
23 But , in entering the arena , these early Christians found that , ‘ Our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers , the authorities , against the power of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms . '
24 At the present time we are much in prayer for a lad called David and we would ask you all to join in prayer for him as he battles against his addiction to alcohol — remembering our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms .
25 May we have an early debate on foreign affairs and aid and on the encouragement that should be given to President Serrano , who now says that he is keen to see the problem sorted out ?
26 Provision will be made for the conduct of the business of the offeree during the period , if any , between signing and completion and for the right for the acquirer to terminate the contract if any major changes occur or breaches of warranty are discovered during such period .
27 The northern Swedish Mountain variety is white , with black ( or red ) ears and muzzle and a few freckles of colour on the neck and sides ; it is similar to Norway 's Blacksided Trondheim and Nordland and to the North Finnish .
28 All this contrasts sharply with the flimsy world of divination , of Madame Sosostris , which lands us unsurprisingly in the heart of London as we hear how all this ‘ fiddle ’ will always be found ‘ When there is distress of nations and perplexity/ Whether on the shores of Asia , or in the Edgware Road ’ .
29 The splash was dusty but still visible and , without much trouble , I found the beginning of the trail about twenty feet straight ahead in the wood and followed it as easily through the tangled trees and undergrowth as on the day before .
30 Of the Nez Perce , Parker observed : ‘ I have nowhere witnessed so much subordination , peace and friendship as among the Indians in the Oregon Territory .
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