Example sentences of "and [noun] [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Mike Stein 's chapter reviews what his research revealed and the policies and practice currently focused on this vulnerable group of young people .
2 FERGIE and Andy nearly bumped into each other on the golf course yesterday .
3 The Leith Chamber of Commerce was instituted in 1840 and in 1852 the Directors petitioned for and obtained a Charter of Incorporation on their representation ‘ That the town of Leith is the principal seaport in the East of Scotland and it would tend much to the encouragement and promotion of the trade and manufacture already extensively established and carried on there , if the Petitioners were incorporated as a Chamber of Commerce and Manufacturers , with the powers and privileges usually conferred on such bodies ’ .
4 In the store room next to the kitchen were a long table and shelves always covered with all sorts of provisions ; large earthenware jars full of confits of pork and goose , a small barrel where vinegar slowly matured , a bowl where honey oozed out of the comb , jams , preserves of sorrel and of tomatoes , and odd bottles with grapes and cherries marinating in brandy ; next to the table a weighing machine on which I used to stand at regular intervals ; sacks of haricot beans , of potatoes ; eggs , each one carefully dated in pencil .
5 This concerns the factors of affect and attitude already described in some detail , and we have explored how negative affect will tend to produce less contact with users of the language .
6 … in Justice to the Memory of the Author , as well as for the Satisfaction of all those who have so chearfully and generously contributed to improve the best Legacy she could bequeath to her Father , we beg leave to inform them , that her Conduct and Behaviour entirely corresponded with those virtuous and pious Sentiments which are conspicuous in her Poems .
7 In some areas , a large proportion of the local population are in this position , reinforcing the sense of decay and despair now found in many city areas .
8 This is because , in the absence of the power of a conscientious regard for right and wrong deeply rooted in all the people concerned , and used by them in arriving at verdicts otherwise the product of constitutional law alone , the road to impeccable administration of justice can not be taken .
9 The more sedentary dolphins and porpoises seldom run into these difficulties .
10 The notion of affirmation thus helps to assert the right of elders to have their unique identities and histories properly acknowledged in any assessment process .
11 Thus in ( 191 ) , to feel evokes a new state of awareness which has arisen as a result of the combined effect on the reader 's mind of novels and tales previously selected for this purpose .
12 Despite the high hopes of Penal Policy in a Changing Society , recognizable authority in the shape of detection , arrest and prosecution still counted for more than prevention .
13 It is the aim of this research to tabulate and collate the unpublished information to provide a published resum'e of the most extensive data on prices and wages ever compiled in this country .
14 These are transaction prices , ignoring hire purchase charges , ‘ co-op ’ dividends and discounts not given to all customers .
15 On such days the hills hold a mixture of azure and gold never seen at any other time of year ; the cobalt sky is more intense than it ever is in summer , and the straw-coloured hills shine strong in the light from the low winter sun .
16 Key to the improvements has been the reduction of bureaucracy and paperwork previously required for each truck load .
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