Example sentences of "and [pron] [vb past] [noun sg] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , Mrs Tuckett spotted me and I saw recognition click into place in her mind before I had to stand up and do my bit .
2 Tony made a brief call to the harbour authorities , we turned into the north wind and I selected carb air to cold while he raised the water rudders and pumped down take-off flap .
3 He knelt beside her and she saw concern flash across his features .
4 He had thick brows and a nose which was so curved it was almost hooked , and she felt apprehension rise in her like sickness .
5 A different door — larger , special — and she felt relief wash over her .
6 They cheated in a spelling test together and they played kiss chase in the playground .
7 And they had a strap and they used to carry all the weight on their foreheads and on , and through their necks , and they used to climb , we went up to seventeen and a half thousand feet , and they climbed up with all these bags and they cooked for us and they got river water for us and sometimes they had to walk a kilometre to the river to go and get the water and then carry it back again er with the band around their heads and so initially it seemed quite difficult to accept them doing this for you , but for them it was a job and erm it was probably the only sort of job that they could get .
8 They made deals with heavy industry and government to extract huge subsidies to maintain their outmoded and inefficient estates and they gained tariff protection for their expensive and inefficiently produced foodstuffs .
9 After I divorced Martin , the big blonde tugged strings and he became consultant designer for a detergent manufacturer .
10 He offered £500 towards the cost of fortifications at the time of the renewal of his lease , and he secured government support for the maintenance of a garrison there .
11 He took as his text , ‘ Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself ’ ; and he gave Bible truth to a thousand people in the African township of Harare .
12 It aimed to reinforce ‘ responsible parenthood ’ , mindful of contemporary fears that state action would contribute to the destruction of family responsibilities ; and it increased state control over voluntary childcare .
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