Example sentences of "and [pron] [vb past] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And in fact , I think in recent years what we know as the third world is the fourth , because those oil producing countries in the third world retained the status of being third and everyone got pushed to the fourth .
2 Subsequently when I got back down and realised we 'd done it , and everyone had got off the mountain and no-one had been injured , I had an immense feeling of satisfaction , just of having stood there .
3 And everyone tried to climb on the bandwagon .
4 He had done so four years before , and nothing had happened in the meantime either to abate his ambition or to make him less qualified — in the latter case very much the reverse .
5 ‘ We think the drain cover must have been removed by accident by a farm machine and no-one had realised at the time , ’
6 And I 'd said to the And I 'd said to the dentist
7 And I 'd said to the And I 'd said to the dentist
8 But it was no good , little bits fell out , and I 'd started in the most obvious place , where he 's bound to spot it .
9 Well I was just tidying myself up , och just a week lick of lipstick and a puffa blusher basically when I noticed that my mascara was on its last legs so I had to remind myself to stop by at Frazers Innoxa counter as any other tearproof bar theirs brings me out in lumps , so to cut a long story short I just nicked in the sidedoor — honest to god I was festooned with carriers laden down like a workhouse donkey — and I 'd to cut through the shoe department .
10 I ended up having a fight with him , he broke my arm and I got hit on the head .
11 Cos he had the silver , they had the the ju er co coronation and it er in the May , as your dad and I got married in the June .
12 Only it went wrong and I got caught by the Russians .
13 That second night in the porch was enough and I resolved to move on the following day , whatever happened .
14 I adored getting drunk and I adored reading in the papers what I had done the night before .
15 Mr Chamberlain 's services to the State are infinitely greater than any I have been able to render , but we are both men who are giving all we can give to the service of the State ; we are both men who are , or try to be , actuated by principle in our conduct ; we are men who , I think , have exactly the same views on the political problems of the day ; we are men who I believe — certainly on my side-have esteem and perhaps I may say affection for each other ; but the result of this dynamic force is that we stand here today , he prepared to go into the wilderness if he should be compelled to forsake the Prime Minister , and I prepared to go into the wilderness if I should be compelled to stay with him .
16 I knew I should not miss that appointment with him and I had to succeed in the match , ’ he said .
17 and up the steps out of the underground there was this lass there and I , I ca n't help it I mean I 'm always aware of the fact of having this twenty five year old child , so offspring and there was a girl roughly about his age or slightly younger and she was grey you know that translucent look your skin gets when you 're not eating properly you know that grey sort of pallor and I had an overnight bag in one hand and a briefcase and a handbag in the other and I remember I walked past her and she was begging and I had gone to the sleeper and I 'm sitting there and I 'm thinking you bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep , you could of put briefcase down , overnight bag down , handbag down and got some money out .
18 One of these blows actually ricked my neck and I had to lie on the floor beneath the table until it was okay to come up again .
19 Robin Summers was the most recent casualty from my squadron , and I had heard from the German at Amsterdam that he was a prisoner .
20 Approaching in the soft hazy warmth of a still summer evening , Alec and I had descended from the plateau into the cool shadows past the skirting snows of Hell 's Lum Crag .
21 My father had initially encouraged my interest in the stock market and I had jumped at the chance of a part-time job in the City .
22 So then er and I had to do with the antique .
23 ‘ I was one of the richest people in the country , and I had to go to the bank to borrow money to buy my house , ’ recalls Koch .
24 Mind you , mind you I went er through Newark the other day and I had to go round the mountains to get back on that road out to Lincoln .
25 They crashed through their set as if they were in a competition to see who could get through the most songs in the shortest time , sounding like an unrehearsed version of the group Charlie and I had seen in the Nashville .
26 It was already nearly six o'clock , and I would n't be able to find a one-hour photo lab open anywhere that evening ; and I had to return to the Sheraton to collect my bag , and be back on the train by seven-thirty or soon after .
27 And I had to help with the harvest too .
28 Steve and I had climbed to the end of the Double Corniced Crest , a hateful and difficult section with all the solidity of a haystack on edge , balanced on a skyscraper .
29 In my job , I had expected the sick and the dying to trust God , and I had come to the Sahara hoping to discover whether I myself would keep the faith in adverse circumstances .
30 For a couple of years she and I had knocked around the Mediterranean , then I had sailed her across the Atlantic .
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