Example sentences of "and [pron] [was/were] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A band was playing and everyone was talking at increased volume to make themselves heard above it .
2 Let's now come back to this quiff analysis where John was confused and everyone was explaining to each other .
3 Since I was unprepared , lacking a condom , she and I were endangered from two directions in another sense also : from disease ( for we were strangers to each other ) , and from a pregnancy desired by neither of us .
4 Phil and I were getting in two stories a week .
5 Do you know what she said last night , after I 'd told her what Dieter and I were planning for next week ?
6 Five minutes later Tony and I were trudging through deep snow , wishing we had spared the time to search out the snow shoes and wondering whether there had ever been a previous occasion in Iceland when the approach of a car had been heralded by walkers .
7 Barbara and I were interviewed by one team upstairs in the top bar .
8 Suppose you and I were playing against each other , and suppose we both knew that the number of rounds in the game was to be exactly 100 .
9 Yeah , the sort of thing Lucy and I were talking about earlier is , it was just before I went on holiday so my memory is kind of hazy , it 's one where I was going to see the Arts Council and see if they were interested in the idea if they work
10 We we we also Sally and I were talking about this last week , we said often you know you get you can get bankrupt stock
11 Holmes and I were sitting on either side of a bright fire in our sitting room in Baker Street .
12 I eased the wheel up , drawing Wavebreaker 's bows harder into the sea and wind , and I was rewarded with another shattering of white spray that exploded prettily about our bows before I let the hull fall away once more .
13 What I did there was I had my Trio preamp going through a Boogie 295 power amp into a couple of Boogie Black Shadow speaker cabs and I was switching between that setup and the Fender Twin .
14 Do you know when I went out to the maths thing I was waiting for , I was there and I was heard about these forgotten a calculator !
15 The ambulance came and I was filled with delicious brandy but was instantly sick when I got to Imtarfa Hospital .
16 But erm , and I was looking through all these posters and most of them were of nude women !
17 And I was looking for real ones this time .
18 We were just walking away , and I was looking for some sort of rubbish container in which to put the bag of icing sugar , when we suddenly heard all those sirens going , and saw masses of policemen running into the park .
19 from you and , and I was looking at that and ticking boxes and I was , I was almost not listening to what you were saying at times .
20 And I was screaming by this time and Miss goes oh be quiet everybody !
21 I do , I like , do you think I could have a copy of anything you 've got to date because lying in my desk this morning is something I have to prepare a briefing note for my chairman and I was thinking about that recent one , but I could n't put my hand on it Robert , absolutely updated on exactly where we are .
22 I tried to stab my beak at them , to catch them with my talons , to use what strength was left in my wing , but the pain of it all was terrible and I was weakening with each second that passed by and before each new attack .
23 My mother found me floating face downwards and I was saved by artificial respiration .
24 I then went on to an Orion double bed , followed by a pink Passap ; I still wanted a single bed for speed — we ran a guest house and I was deprived of all knitting during the summer months .
25 He seemed a little tense , and looked past me at the bedroom door ; and I was reminded of that first day .
26 He looked after the entire film unit practically single-handed while we were filming in Tunisia and I was reminded of this again in recent months when we visited him in hospital .
27 My mother called an usherette to have me removed , and I was handed into strange-smelling arms behind a bright beam that dazzled me .
28 My marriage failed and I was doing about one job every six months — I was on the fringe of things .
29 Initially , Wendy received six-monthly inseminations , but she felt ill-at-ease : ‘ They were always done so impersonally and I was going through such an emotional , personal experience . ’
30 And I was going like this doing a little dance on the ladder trying to find the next rung and the ladder was doing a little dance on the wall .
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