Example sentences of "and [pron] [noun sg] for [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We shall have occasion later to examine the evidence submitted to and conclusions of the Bullock Committee , and it is sufficient here to note not only the submissions from educational and public librarians but also the committee 's support for the work of librarians in schools , and its welcome for the now-emerging courses leading to people dually qualified as both teachers and librarians .
2 A question remains about the impact of this forceful intervention on the family and the caregivers and its significance for the subsequent course of events in Michael 's life .
3 The FMLN stated that the handover demonstrated its " willingness to negotiate and its support for a political solution and peace " but did not affect its anti-aircraft capability .
4 Once Today moved into Rupert Murdoch 's News group it changed its politics ; its neutral stance and its support for a middle-of-the-road SDP government in the 1987 general election gradually gave way to a more Conservative outlook .
5 The Arabian peninsula , unified within the GCC and its support for the multi-national force and the core for the proposed new security arrangements , now confronts a fragmented Levant and an increasingly hostile North Africa .
6 Far better to respect the work 's impermanence and its desire for a dignified end .
7 The question of road traffic was another area which brought town planning a wider frame of reference , by virtue of the profession 's overall concern for cities in their totality , and its claim for a comprehensive approach to all major development .
8 Mistinguett was drawing huge crowds at the FoliesBergeres ; the great Bernhardt , though aged and ailing , was still as seductive as ever , dividing her time between the theatre and her hospital for the wounded at the Odéon ; at the Opéra Comique Manon was all the rage , and in May , when the Germans were hammering their way on to Côte 304 , there was a glittering film premiere of Salammbô and once again the Spring Flower Show was reinstated in all its pre-war glory .
9 Shannon had met him for the first time when he 'd arrived to film the pilot episode , and her dislike for the golden Adonis had been instant .
10 And not just in the context of G.W. Fashions and their suitability for a mass market , but in a simple design sense .
11 The CRG set about trying to define a series of integrative levels upon which it would be possible to base the main classes and their order for a new general classification scheme .
12 Knowles ( 1952 ) and Newton ( 1969 ) also illustrate differences between mining areas in both their strike-proneness and their support for the Communist Party .
13 Before 1914 , when European socialist parties had little prospect of power , the contradiction between their ambition to establish democratic control over economic life , and their sympathy for a liberal internationalism rooted in the principles of the free market , remained largely unacknowledged .
14 Faye turned and buried her face in her husband 's shoulder , and Belinda 's throat constricted suddenly as she saw how their love for each other and their concern for the tiny life growing inside Faye united them in both happiness and fear .
15 De Gaulle 's letters in the months before his return stressed that he would take no further initiatives until the French people had demonstrated their disgust with the existing regime and their desire for a radical change .
16 The French consumers ' demands for quality of manufacture and their desire for a fun approach to dressing remain the hallmarks of a label which has enjoyed a cult following in the UK during the past few years .
17 Just accept it , remembering that an ability to show some sympathy and the courage to ‘ stay the course ’ with the bereaved , as they go through their sorrow and their search for a new identity , are the most important qualifications .
18 The episode could only have increased his distrust of authority and his disdain for the bourgeois .
19 When Mr Ramsay died in 1943 the Leaders paid tribute to one who was greatly loved : ‘ Testimony was given to his worth and zeal in the work and all that pertained to the welfare of the church , and particularly to his services in the choir and his love for the weekly prayer meeting . ’
20 But his eye is too keen and his feel for the different histories of these nations too strong to slip into one-answer explanations .
21 De Gaulle 's pressure for a US-British-French directorate in NATO in 1958 showed his resentment of ‘ Anglo-Saxon ’ predominance and his desire for a leading role in events .
22 They fell much in love , and her father gave her a fine dowry of fat lake-cattle and his blessing for a happy marriage , with the proviso that the groom never raise his hand to the water-fairy .
23 Andy provided that , and his non-selection for the European Cup was the final clincher . '
24 The pilot was being treated for suspected internal injuries and his passenger for a suspected broken arm and ribs .
25 In November 1259 the barons in Council raised the annual salary of the Justice of the Forests south of Trent from 100 to 200 marks a year , and his colleague for the northern forests was in August 1260 granted an annual salary of 60 marks , instead of having to pay an annual farm of the same sum as he had previously done .
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