Example sentences of "and [pron] [noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Water is often a symbol of emotion ( or the subconscious ) , and my desire to go through the flood symbolised my conscious willingness and desire to delve deep into my emotions .
2 Reformers had long argued that the credibility of the legislature in the eyes of the public and its ability to compete with the executive were both weakened by a chaotic Congressional budgetary process .
3 The Catholic Church in the age of Mother Teresa and Barbara Ward , of Julius Nyerere and Lech Walesa , of Oscar Romero and Pedro Arrupe was a Church at the height of its confidence and its ability to relate to the world in a mood of inspiring solidarity .
4 The capitulation of the General Council on the 12 May , and its decision to call off the strike without any guarantees that those involved would not be victimized , might also be seen as evidence of failure .
5 Another ‘ scholarship girl ’ was shamefully treated by the rest of us because of her ( very slight ) Cockney accent , her generally ‘ non-U ’ turns of phrase , and her inability to deal with the simpler points of etiquette , whether at table or in the classroom .
6 Hedgerows existed in Saxon times and by the time Domesday was commissioned in 1086 the boundaries of parishes were so firmly fixed that William 's Norman officials were able to calculate within close limits , the exact area of thousands of settlements and their capacity to contribute to the royal exchequer !
7 In making HIP allocations , will he take those matters into account as well as the efficiency with which those authorities use their stock and their willingness to co-operate with the private sector ?
8 Then there were the ‘ Rowdies ’ , boys of 15 and 16 , who were the most identifiable group by virtue of their appearance , the noise they made and their tendency to run around the most .
9 The development of both of these urban sites and their potential to contribute to the HP4 greenfield housing requirement are fully consistent with approved Development Plan policy .
10 Agency staff sometimes question themselves about a discharger 's economic position and his capacity to comply with the parameters and limits which they would ideally like to impose .
11 A prodigious runner , Mehew 's pace and fitness give Rovers the appearance of playing 4-4-2 and 4-3-3 at the same time and his willingness to get into the penalty area has brought him four goals already this season .
12 An elderly man with camping equipment hurls his rucksack over the crowd into the doorway , for there is not enough room for him and his luggage to get through the stampede .
13 Down was one of the outstanding medical students of his generation , and his decision to work in the neglected and perhaps despised field of mental deficiency was courageous .
14 Sun Tzu is right : leave but one avenue for a man to escape by and his determination to fight to the death will be totally undermined .
15 It had seemed an expedient course of action at the time , as she 'd waited there in her kitchen , in the late afternoon dark , for Wakelate and his client to return to the house .
16 In the 1880s Salisbury 's ‘ enemy ’ had been ‘ radical Liberalism ’ and his aim to bring over the Whigs and ‘ Villa ’ Liberals .
17 Thus the law insists that a director who wishes to enter into a transaction where there is any possibility of a conflict between his own interest and his duty to act in the best interests of the company must disclose the transaction to the shareholders in general meeting and obtain their consent to it .
18 I helped with the cows and the chickens , and went up on the hills with Mr Parks and his dog to look at the sheep .
19 In accepting being alone much will obviously depend on the reason behind the situation and our ability to deal with the problems related to being a single person : the death of a partner or parents in retirement ; becoming separated or divorced ; adjusting to being an ‘ alien ’ pensioner .
20 Your pleasant and informed approach was welcomed by all , and your willingness to share in the service in the Cathedral gave particular pleasure to the congregation there .
21 In complex cases it may be useful for your counsel and your client to meet with the expert to discuss the report .
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