Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] [adv prt] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Fuck you , ’ the Maggot screamed at whoever fired at him and I looked out of the Beechcraft 's side window to see palm trees going past at over 150 miles an hour and above us .
2 When the shelling and mortaring ceased , Taff and I got out of the trenches .
3 As soon as I dropped about 70 feet down towards the restaurant , via the tourist runway with its ridiculous little suburban garden fences bordering the steps , the wind ceased and I stepped out of the snow .
4 And I stepped out of the bath and wrapped myself in one of the big white towels in which these places specialize , and , with an innocence born no doubt of the habit of the past , opened the door .
5 A few minutes later , when Nelly was preoccupied , I 'm sorry to say my cowardice got the better of me and I crept out of the room , down the stairs and ran off home .
6 I , I , I was lucky in the three ground I went too the worst that ever happened to me was I was put head first into a dustbin , but luckily it had been emptied it was still well mucky , but I just fucking went and had a shower , and I come out of the shower and I 'd got pounced upon again and I was there , it must of been a funny site , there 's me right in just a pair of fucking deck chairs that we used to wear for the , the shower block right , fucking shaving , er like the wash kit bag in my right hand and I was holding me fucking towel round , round me waist with me left , I was streaking across the play ground , going as fast as I could
7 She stumbled backwards and I darted out of the way as she fell over .
8 The flats face Carntyne dog track , and I gaze out of the window at the greyhounds as they sprint after the electric hare , then , late in the afternoon , transfer my attention to the road , in the hope of seeing my father appear again with sweeties , and notebooks for me to draw in .
9 Deep inside she knew that if he had tried she would have repulsed him , and she looked out of the window at the moonlit sky .
10 They fell apart , wood splintering , nails wrenching , and she burst out of the side of a building .
11 And she went out of the room , leaving Clare and Bryony facing one another over two thousand five hundred sheets of paper that had to be folded by Friday .
12 ‘ What rubbish you talk , ’ his mother said and she walked out of the room with her ironing .
13 And she walked out of the room with something of the same wary insistence on normality .
14 Something in that reminded her of Clare and she stared out of the window , frowning , as she tried to think what it was .
15 And she got out of the passenger side , which meant somebody else was driving .
16 he sez he normally takes the bird out of the aviary to weigh her and she hopped out of the aviary and onto roofs nearby and has beenhopping ever since .
17 Charlotte did get the position of nanny and often travelled on the same train home on her days off , always in the first compartment behind the tender and always hoping that she would see Albert , which she often did and she leaned out of the window to talk to him when the train stopped in the stations .
18 And she marched out of the kitchen , her tall wig swaying slightly with the brisk jerky movement .
19 I took her hand in mine , and we went out of the ruined place ; and , as the morning mists had risen long ago when I first left the forge , so , the evening mists were rising now , and in all the broad expanse of tranquil light they showed me , I saw no shadow of another parting from her .
20 He took my hand , and we walked out of the room and closed the door .
21 I kicked the rudder and dropped the nose , and we broke out of the fog and saw the water coming up in front of us .
22 Then he crossed the room to collar a departing guest for some last words and they went out of the front door together .
23 His hobby was breeding bees and one day he brought them in in a glass cabinet and he was saying , ‘ These are the workers and this is the queen bee , and they fly out of the window and come back with pollen and they make honey . ’
24 Then some sea creatures developed lungs and the ability to breathe air and they moved out of the ocean on to dry terrain .
25 . With this little foreman threatening fists and everybody running out of the way of the brickwork .
26 They 'd danced to Michael 's band and her glossy pink trousers flashed and moved in the dimmed lights , and he had felt elated and mildly drunk , and had lost most of the inhibitions he 'd had about dancing , until it became clear to his confused brain that the drummer , who had soft dark hair and was probably a potential Celtic supporter , was getting on so well with Amanda that perhaps they should move on elsewhere , and he swayed out of the room , pushing her in front of him , and bumped into someone at the door , and had realised it was the man in the raincoat , only he was in a dark suit and a tie with geometric designs .
27 He was among , around and in close proximity to about 100 canines of all shapes , sizes and breeds , and he came out of the event totally unscathed .
28 And he went out of the room , his arms angled like a plane .
29 She came and kissed him like an anteater , and he went out of the door .
30 Zoe Cockburn , 17 , of Lyonette Road , who witnessed the incident , said : ‘ Pauline just got to the bottom of the drive and he shot out of the window .
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