Example sentences of "and [pron] [verb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's all ‘ Cherish ’ and ‘ Three Times a Lady ’ and ‘ Deeply Dippy ’ , and everyone takes to the floor , clutching and fondling , their hands lightly patting the buttocks of their partner .
2 The service was held at the chapel and everyone went to the Kirk Inn at Romaldkirk afterwards .
3 Late in the afternoon , a porter came along with a creaking trolley carrying a coffee urn and snackstuffs , and everyone stirred to a kind of frisky wakefulness and examined the fare keenly .
4 And everyone knew of the people they 'd bitten , like the man who went mad — wandering round the village in search of water , complaining of aching limbs and an unquenchable thirst — and whose body was found , months later , washed up in the river at Lāmri .
5 The information desk was manned throughout the weekend , the timetable was strictly adhered to and everyone benefited from the efficiency .
6 And everyone froze at the Las Vegas meeting to view triumphant Nina 's outfit .
7 ‘ There were 17 players in the team and everyone got on the pitch at some point during the game , ’ he added .
8 At last , there was a cry of ‘ Silence ! ’ , and everyone looked towards the door .
9 At this there was a loud outburst of laughter , and everyone looked at a girl sitting at the back , who , scarlet in the face , ran out of the room , sobbing .
10 PRAYERS were requested by Bishop Konstant for Tony Bland and everyone hurt by the Hillsborough disaster .
11 Skiing started early in Scotland this year , much to the relief of hard-pressed ski area managers , ski equipment retailers and everyone connected with the industry in Scotland .
12 Within the hour the show is cancelled and everyone returns to the hotel to drown their sorrows .
13 When a vote is taken and everyone votes for the motion , the motion is said to be passed unanimously .
14 and everyone jumped on the bandwagon , or have they all made up their own ?
15 They could hear the sound of music coming nearer , and everyone turned as a silver band came round the corner into the main dusty street , men dressed in grey trousers and pink shirts , their instruments glistening in the morning sun .
16 The holder of such an estate in land is , like an owner , entitled to the possession , use , and enjoyment of the land , and he can dispose of his interest ; but at the death of the person by whose life the extent of his estate is measured , the estate comes to an end , and nothing passes from the holder .
17 It was just after three in the morning , and there were no lights on in any of the houses and nothing moving on the street .
18 The stones at its margins were bleached like bones and nothing grew at the water 's edge except rank thickets of bamboo .
19 This enthusiasm , inspired by Scottish sections , was short lived , and nothing came of the move , but it did signal a phase of agitation over representation that was to culminate in formal acceptance of the principle at the 1917 Congress .
20 The whereabouts of Flaxman 's death mask was not known , and nothing came of the suggestion .
21 The brother-sister marriages of Roman Egypt probably had a great deal to do with the preservation of property and nothing to do with the preservation of genes ( Hopkins , 1980 ) .
22 That set them off again , Harbury enthusiastically reciting the string of reasons why the police had questioned Tavett several times ; Oliver throwing in that Tavett might have known about it but Pascoe must have done it ; Zak saying it was political assassination and nothing to do with the staff of the paper ; Holly reminding him that Scotland Yard 's anti-terrorist branch had found nothing to support that ; and Rosie hushing the clamour because her telephone was ringing .
23 And nothing to do with the running of .
24 It was nothing to do with David Parkin and nothing to do with the room — warm and comforting , the walls cluttered with Victorian paintings and prints , the antique furniture gleaming spotlessly .
25 She had known when she set eyes on them that they were nothing to do with the Smoke and nothing to do with the expedition that was preparing .
26 Other bidders found out that I could top their bids , and no-one came to the party .
27 ‘ Everyone was looking for reasons why he left us and no-one appreciated at the time that his health was suffering .
28 There there are three of us er , that is Mr Allenby Mr Heselton and me looking for an answer to a question which was about
29 There was a long pause during which a kind of stage fright seized me and perhaps him too : we remained in our positions , Richard sitting up in bed and me standing at the window , looking at each other helplessly like actors who have forgotten their lines .
30 ‘ I did not want things that Picasso gave Douglas and me coming on the market , and Billy very decently gave me the drawing ’ .
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